
Covid, the alarm grows throughout Italy after today’s data showing significant growth in infections and deaths. Carlo Signorelli, Professor of Hygiene at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan, is not optimistic about the emergence of the coronavirus: “I think that if nothing is done the curve will grow, while if more restrictive measures are taken in 2 weeks the curve goes down. But this is a political decision. The reality is that I Today’s figures, with more than 8,800 new cases, indicate that the situation is dire. This second wave can be defined as the epidemic of the big metropolitan cities: Milan, but also Rome, Naples and Bari are registering an increase in cases ».
Covid Rome, outbreak at RSA “Anni Azzurri”: a third of patients and 4 employees infected
Signorelli: young middle age
Signorelli underscores these conclusions to Adnkronos Salute. “The positive is that the average age of these subjects is young, and this reduces the risk of serious effects». But how to intervene? ‘Infections seem to occur in clubs, bars and restaurants, so a specific intervention could be helpful. During opening hours, masks must be worn and distances must be respected, and there must be more controls. “Tomorrow there is a meeting of the CTS of Lombardy, and an opinion will probably come about it – adds Signorelli – Then there are domestic infections: well, at home it is as outside. We have to respect hygiene, distance and avoid meetings. I also point out that there are 5 higher risk situations at home: sharing a bed, changing telephone, cutlery and glasses, or sharing bathroom items and finally elevators ”, says the expert.
Carlo Signorelli, hygienist in Milan
Covid Campania, schools and universities closed until October 30 and stop at house parties with friends
Signorelli global luminaire
Signorelli is part of the group of 80 scientists who wrote a letter published in the ‘Lancet’ and presented at the 16th ‘World Congress of Public Health 2020’ in which it is explained that focusing on herd immunity to think about the management of the pandemic Sars-CoV -2 “is a dangerous mistake that is not supported by scientific evidence.” On the subject of public transport meetings, “we have been saying for some time that 80% filling is a bit too much,” concludes Signorelli.
Last updated: 20:17