Really theSalary increase recognized by decree to Pasquale Tridico was financed in the shoes of citizens, interrupting the program of sending the “orange envelopes“With the calculation of future retirement? The answer is Not and to find out, read the determines the 28 of February 20, 2020 of the president Inps about him “structural reduction of operating expenses predestined to determine the emoluments “of the members of the board of directors who would take office in mid-April. The document explains that the review of expenses decided for that purpose (as provided by the “decree” of March 2019) struck for 261 thousand euros the item Maintenance and rental of sanitary systems, machines and equipment and for the same amount the Postal, telegraphic and telephone expenses of the offices. But send communications to subscribers, including orange envelopes, don’t load that chapter of the huge INPS budget: borne by the chapter 5U1210029 – Mass mail shipping costs, for the management of incoming / outgoing correspondence and for dematerialization services.
The “case in case” is raised Republic, which resumes an alarm launched by Tito Boeri in February 2019, at the end of his presidency. “The technical report to decree on ‘quota 100’ It indicates that the money for the remuneration of the board of directors must be taken from the chapter of expenses that we use to send communications to the citizens ”, explained the Bocconi economist. “There is no need to take advantage of that chapter: only in 2018 did we do it savings of around 30 million on operating expenses. “In fact the Technical report of the “decree” on income and quota 100 said that the savings necessary to pay the emoluments to the president, vice president and board of directors (reconstituted after the Berlusconi government had concentrated almost all the powers in the hands of the president) it would have been “achieved in a priority way through cost reductions in mass mail, according to the chapter 5U1210029“And there were also the orange envelopes, at a cost of around 700 thousand euros.
But the final decision on pigeon The scissors, with the same result, depended on the institute, which for years, as Boeri recalls, has been subject to cost containment provisions. much more severe compared to the total of 522 thousand euros that we are talking about now. What matters is that the November 27, 2019 the General Manager The INPS has decided to cut by 261 thousand euros, not the item that refers to “mass mail” (already reduced to just over 70 million from almost 100 in 2016) but the one that covers, for example, the sending of judicial acts to those who have not paid contributions. A chapter that in 2019 was cut globally by 8.7 million more than 14.5, mainly thanks to a new contract with Italian mail.
So what do orange envelopes have to do with it? Nothing, also because the large-scale shipping promoted by Boeri from 2016 (not without criticism, because the projections contained in the letters were based on optimistic parameters such as GDP growth of 1.5% per year and 2% inflation) had been suspended before Tridico’s arrival at the INPS. Do not reduce the transparency in pensions, but in the name of always invoked digitization. In fact, the institute has also made available to members an online simulator, My retirement, more complete than the orange envelope because it allows simulating different scenarios based, for example, on the possible career evolution, with relative increases, and lower growth in domestic product, on which the revaluation of contributions paid depends. It is not a coincidence that paper letters, during Boeri’s administration, were sent only to whoever was deprive of pin Inps and of Spid. In recent years, and especially in the months of COVID-19, the situation on that front has changed a lot: 27 million people between insured and pensioners have the pin (in 2016 they were “only” 18.5 million) and a total of 10 million Italians has the digital identity Spid, which from October 1 will replace the pin as a credential for the institute’s online services. Then access the simulator, from your home computer or with the help of sponsorships, is guaranteed for a much wider audience.
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