Count II denies Count I. Via fee 100, remodeling for citizenship income. And Matteo Salvini announces battle: «Do you want to return to the Fornero Law? The League will not allow him to do so.
“Everything changes”, the words of Giuseppe Conte. The prime minister speaks at the ‘Festival of the economy’ in Trento and fully defends the work done by his government. Both in the Recovery plan and in the school, going through the “improvements” that must be implemented to improve the income of citizens (to cross the world of work from 2021) to also reach the pension reform. The prime minister gives as a horizon the two years that separate us from the end of the legislature and invites himself and his ministers to have “courage”, even on a thorny issue such as ‘quota 100’. “It is a three-year reform project that came to compensate for a social difficulty. Renovation is not on the agenda – he says without too many words – We have to get around a table: for example, making a list of tired jobs seems to me the best perspective. We must have the courage to differentiate ourselves ”, he explains.
The premier believes in the “restart” of Italy and looks with confidence at the GDP estimates, “more optimistic than ours”, made by Standard & Poor, but links the destiny of the country with the destiny of the Old Continent. “We have very positive data, but Italy will never have a very significant rebound if the other European countries get into trouble. You don’t grow up alone, ”he assures. Conte will play everything with the Recovery plan: “Everything will change: we will have a dedicated regulatory structure, which will allow us to identify ad hoc issues and a path that will allow us to monitor implementation. Wait to judge, “he warns. The head of government did not like the accusations of those who – like his interviewer Tito Boeri- defined what has been done so far, from the States General to the Colao plan, to reach the guidelines sent to Parliament, “a front operation , a beauty contest ”- and he blurts out in defense of what has been done:“ Sometimes it seems to me that I live in a dissociated situation in which our work is appreciated in the international situation and in Italy we have questions ‘when does the government fall?’ We need to be a little more respectful and love each other as Italians. They are not beauty pageants. I am not aware that there are countries ahead of us with the recovery fund, “he says. The reboot plan, he says for sure,” will certainly not consist of “in the six hundred published projects, but in a” very small number “.
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“We cannot allow fragmented projects: we will add individual projects that will be much smaller and will give a vision of the country.” Tax reform also remains on the Prime Minister’s table. Conte is heavily focused on the money-back plan, which will begin on December 1. The objective is to exploit the incentives for those who use digital currency: “so that there is a change in the habits of Italians and thus we can also combat the undeclared, creating the conditions to pay less taxes – he assures – Who will pay with all methods electronic “. and digital, if you carry out at least 50 transactions in six months, you can get 10% back ». Even in the immigration file, the prime minister has clear ideas: the “next useful council of ministers” will serve not only to implement the “changes” to the Salvini decrees, but to deploy a “much broader project”, which aims to “expand the security and protection mechanism for Italian citizens and for the migrants themselves, who often arrive in luck.” As for the plan drawn up by Brussels, he assures, “it is not a landing site”, but part of a process that will have to lead to a mandatory redistribution mechanism. “For those who evade compliance – it is the Palazzo Chigi line – there must be a penalty mechanism.”