Walter Ricciardi: “At this rate we reached 16 thousand cases. We are on the razor’s edge”


Walter Ricciardi warns: “We are on the razor blade.” Therefore, considering the increase in infections registered today, Minister Speranza’s consultant, professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the Catholic University, reiterates that “we must do everything possible to stop the increase and increase in cases.” We need “responsible behavior” and “controls and penalties” to enforce the rules. Otherwise, “if we do not reverse the trend, in two months we could reach 16,000 cases.”

Professor Ricciardi, what does this new increase mean?

It is confirmation that when you do not reestablish an epidemic, but just lower the curve, the virus starts again. For those inside it was predictable, the virus has not been eliminated from the territories.

Commenting on today’s data – 3,678 new positives, 31 deaths – Minister Speranza said: “The infection is growing, we must raise the threshold of care.” You are worried?

The concern is there, it always has been. The Minister spoke clearly from the beginning, said that the coming months will be tough, that we must behave responsibly and that everything must be based on scientific evidence and priorities.

What priorities?

Don’t close Italy, keep schools open, keep activities going. This requires responsible behavior from all and that the regions improve their diagnoses. They all should have. Instead, some have, others have not.

What regions are you referring to?

I do not pretend to be controversial, to understand the situation it is enough to consult the very clear data prepared in this regard by the Gimbe Foundation. Some regions have moved, they have worked and others have not, they have done little and continue to do little.

Recently, you have said that Campania and Lazio are at higher risk. Today there is a growth of cases also in Lombardy and Veneto.

At this stage, no one has an advantage. Of course, the better equipped regions can approach this phase with more confidence. Others, both because they have historically had to deal with cuts in health plans and payments and because they have not worked enough, are not sufficiently prepared.

Last Thursday, when the new cases exceeded 2,500, Professor Crisanti indicated in that number a threshold not to be crossed. Today we are at 3678. Is the situation becoming more critical?

Crisanti is right, we are on a razor blade. The threshold should be calculated on the basis of the contagion index, the absolute number and the reactivity of the regions. We must implement measures proportionate to the situation, do everything possible to stop the increase and increase in cases.

What are we risking, professor?

An exponential increase. In this epidemic, cases can double in a month. If we don’t reverse the trend, we could reach 16,000 cases in two months.

Today the council of ministers approved the dcpm on the extension of the state of emergency and the use of the mask outdoors and indoors. Will stronger measures be necessary or are they needed?

UseThe correct mask can be of great help. Of course, controls and penalties must be made. Today we are paying the consequences of the irresponsible behavior of a minority that has not respected the rules.

The fears and fears are concentrated around a possible new blockage. Are there any risks?

We must and can avoid it, we are in a position to succeed. The only way to do this is to behave responsibly. On the other hand, by respecting the rules you can do everything.

Are we in the second wave?

No, this is the second phase of the first wave. The second wave can only be where the cases have been solved.

What Should We Expect?

Tough months await us, the flu is yet to come.

What do we have to do?

Respect anti-contagion rules, get a flu shot and download the “Immune” app that helps ASL track cases across territories. We must all make an extraordinary effort together, never forgetting that this has low costs, certainly lower than what we would have to face if we did not.
