Wake up at night to defend Bonafede



03/05/2020 Rome, press conference at the end of the Council of Ministers in the photo Giuseppe Conte

One day on the grill for Di Matteo’s words, the Guardasigilli had the comfort of his party and the Prime Minister only at night.

A phone call between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede, would have encouraged spirits after the harsh accusations against the Minister of Justice presented by magistrate Nino Di Matteo. The Prime Minister spoke with Minister Bonafede during the day to reiterate “full confidence in his work”.

Conte, who at the time of the events reported by Di Matteo was prime minister, “reminded the minister that he had been informed of his intention to involve Dr. Di Matteo in a prominent position. To think that this possibility of collaboration by dr. Di Matteo with the Ministry of Justice did not materialize due to the alleged conditioning suffered by the minister as a result of the statements made by some mafia boss who is out of reality, “the sword defense deals with the prime minister. “To demonstrate this there are also the concrete initiatives of Minister Bonafede in the field of the fight against the mafia,” said the Prime Minister, reiterating “full confidence” towards Bonafede.

But also Di Maio and Crimi made their closeness felt. “We entered parliament with the clear intention of stopping the underworld and eradicating the mafias. Our commitment has always been superior, in a short time we have passed laws against the mafia and tightened sanctions against the corrupt. Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede has always shown that he has a straight back and does not stop in front of anyone, putting only the interests of citizens first. We move forward proud of our history and aware that we have great certainty: never step back in the face of the mafia and the corrupt. Never. “So, on Facebook, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luigi Di Maio. While for Crimi,” Alfonso Bonafede is the Minister of Justice who, despite numerous resistances, has managed to carry out the courageous reforms that the country has been waiting for decades. 100 inmates detained in various terms under 41a, corrupt swept law, statute of limitations, tightening of the rule on the mafia political exchange vote. The work done in these two years as a seal guard He speaks for him. I firmly reject political attacks or unfounded conjecture regarding his fully autonomous choices, which do not affect my confidence and that of the 5-star movement towards him. “
