
The emergency continues Coronavirus in Italy and in the world. In our country yesterday, second the latest newsletter from the Ministry of Health, have been registered 15,146 new cases Covid-19 out of a total of 292,533 tests performed, including antigenic and molecular swabs. the positivity rate nationality goes back to 5.1%. Since yesterday another 391 dead. The Region with the highest number of daily infections is Lombardy, which again exceeds two thousand per day. Here is the detail region by region:
Lombardy: +2,434
Veneto: +708
Piedmont: +1,189
Campania: +1,694
Emilia Romagna: +1,345
Lazio: +1.261
Tuscany: +894
Sicily: +760
Apulia: +1,248
Liguria: +319
Friuli Venezia Giulia: +409
Walking: +530
Abruzzo: +540
Sardinia: +125
PA Bolzano: +680
Umbria: +363
Calabria: +198
PA Trento: +253
Basilicata: +102
Molise: +75
Aosta Valley: +9
Today we decide the change of colors of the Regions with ISS-Ministry of Health monitoring. Eyes onUmbria, which could move into the red zone after the outbreak of outbreaks linked to virus variants, but also in Molise, Abruzzo me Tuscany which can turn orange. Only Umbria, along with Trento me Bolzano, it has been included in the EU map as one of the dark red areas due to the high risk of contagion. Towards the extension until March 5 of the stop for movements between regions after the positive opinion of the latter in the last meeting with Minister Boccia. His claim is that in the new however Dpcm consider the possible gradual reopening of cinemas, gyms and theaters. The campaign of vaccination: To date, 2,827,378 doses have been distributed, 1,256,500 people have been vaccinated with boosters, while serums are still being administered to those over 80 years old, to which those under 55 years old have been added since yesterday with the vaccine AstraZeneca.
In the world there are 107,778,443 infections and more than 2.3 million deaths. There Germany has decided to extend the blockade until March 7, in France cases related to the English variant represent around 20-25% of the total, while just a week ago they stopped Israel, A country that has vaccinated more people in the world than the population, data on hospital pressure indicates that the vaccine is working even as hospitalizations among those under 60 years of age increase.
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