1 minute, 26 seconds

The long winter episode which led large accumulations of snow in the Alps ed even in the northern plains in the first part of December it was replaced in the third week by a anticyclonic return which has delayed us a bit climatically with more typical temperatures of the end of November and unstable passages of little importance. But this stasis shouldn’t be scary an epilogue to the winter season As happened in some winters in the recent past, great maneuvers are in fact being carried out at high latitudes that promise profoundly different scenarios beginning with Christmas.

Be change of circulation on a planetary scale (in our hemisphere). The tense western currents that normally drag anticyclones into the European sector will tend to ripple to produce deeper wave cables towards our latitudes. The beginning of this new phase could coincide more or less precisely with the Christmas when the Atlantic anticyclone would occupy a more meridian position allowing the arrival in Italy of a first pulse of cold air from a maritime polar array. According to the models, this first irruption would be followed by a new cold lunge characterized by the formation of a deep cyclonic vortex in the North Sea that would involve a large part of Europe and probably also Italy in totally winter conditionsi with the return of the rain and especially of the snow in abundance and descending to low altitudes. To add to the dose, warming is also on the horizon in the last days of the month that could have significant repercussions in January throughout our sector. The situation is getting really interesting….
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