Prato, December 7, 2020 – He died at just 44 years old, last September, carried by Covid. Andrea How many He was well known in the world of volunteering in Prato. He was a twenty-year-old figure from the Croce d’Oro and his “voice”, as a telephone operator for the association in via Niccoli where he was a volunteer and collaborator. And from the association, beginning with President Alessandro Coveri to all employees and volunteers, comes the message of condolence for the loss of a dear friend.
His sudden and premature death has awakened confusion among friends and colleagues, not only from his association, but from all the realities of volunteering in Prato. Among all the memories that accumulate in social networks during these hours, we mention that of the colleagues of the Public Assistance L’Avvenire: “We join the pain of the Golden Cross for the loss of our friend and volunteer Andrea. We must To stop this virus, we begin to do it each in our own way, remembering that it is not over yet. We put on masks, we respect distances, we avoid meetings. Also to safeguard people who are on the front line every day, like Andrea ” .
And it gives you chills to read the last thing Andrea wrote on her Facebook page, at the end of October: she had updated her profile photo with the words “Save those around you, don’t be selfish. Put on a mask.”
Cati’s body will be on display today from 4:00 p.m. at the Croce d’Oro, the funeral on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. in the Church of the Annunciation in Castellina, where Cati lived. Previously, at 11.30 am, you will receive the greeting of colleagues and friends of the Golden Cross.
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