Viviana and Gioele, the A20 accident and the missing pieces of the Caronia yellow


That the traffic accident in the Pizzo Turda tunnel, apparently “normal” -without serious consequences, that is, if not damage to vehicles- actually represented a true crossroads, sliding door in the tragic destiny of Viviana Parisi and her son Gioele, has been written several times since that damn August 3. That is why reconstructing the exact dynamics is so important to knowing a truth that certainly, sadly, will not return Viviana and Joel to their loved ones, nor will it serve to ease the pain of their loss, but instead would put all the pieces of a drama instead. which continues to emotionally involve the whole of Italy.

Forty-five days after the start of everything – reports the Gazzetta del Sud on newsstands – the key questions of the story remain at stake, net of intrepid launches, waiting to be finally deciphered.

Meanwhile, in the forensic medicine department of the Polyclinic of Messina, we continue to study Joel’s skull and bones, in parallel with the delicate work of recomposition. The time, the elapsed time, is therefore another determining factor.

Ninety days, however, the time allotted to the team of specialists, formally designated in its entirety on August 25 (after the first assignments to the two coroners and the entomologist from Viviana’s autopsy) to record their findings. , providing the prosecutor Angelo Cavallo with the useful elements to close the wide range of hypotheses left on the table from the beginning. And define, with the support of scientific evidence, what really happened to prevent this from becoming a new “cold case” in the Italian news.

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