Vittorio Feltri changed his mind about Conte: “Before lynching the government, look at what is happening abroad. Perhaps you have to be grateful”


Give him daily insults Thank you on the cover page. “Before lynching the government, let’s look around and see what happens around the world.” So Giuseppe Conte “We have to thank him for having adopted annoying liberticidal measures that, nevertheless, have saved the skins of so many people.” Reading on the net may seem like a post from Di Maio the Gypsies. Seen on television, the masterful imitation of Crozza than usual” Vittorio Feltri with no hope of redemption. And instead, this time, it’s him, the founder of Free, to surpass the comic. Feltri does it with a surprise background in which he puts the pen on the paper: “In short, we are more efficient”. The title sounds kind and harmless, but precisely because Feltri is Feltri, it does not go unnoticed by the taste of a sudden and resounding regret, after months and months of beating of government measures, almost always invited to return home.

In truth, the hope remains the same, but even for the most caustic detractors, the numbers end up being numbers and Felt, for a day, scrupulously maintains them by pointing out that, in fact, “the France is devastated and he no longer knows what to do, he Belgium even holds the record world, theEngland is worse than us, United States remain a kind of meat mincer human“But this is not the case in Italy, where Covid broke out earlier than in other places, but the countermeasures implemented in the meantime have worked” all things considered. “Hence the mea culpa of the newspaper’s historical editor:” We also of Free how much our colleagues in other newspapers have exaggerated with criticism of the government. But before lynching him, let’s see what happens around the world. “

It is worth mentioning that even a broken watch shows the correct time once a day. Why browse not so much the headlines but the editorial by Feltri himself in recent months, completely blocked, to see how sudden and significant the change in direction is. Examples? On April 18 it appeared in the newspaper with a alarming title: “Conte kidnaps all citizens and gets away with it.” The “patched prime minister” was accused of segregating 60 million citizens at home. Not that it was true, but there was the question of Salvini’s trial for Diciotti’s “kidnapping” to be sent to the stands with a comparison that has not stood the test of time. The trial had its first hearing, meanwhile Feltri has evidently stressed that “the liberticidal measures saved people’s skin“. In May there was a coup against Conte who” cannot even manage a condominium. “But Feltri has also changed his mind on this, although he did not get off the bandwagon of those who want to replace the current government:” We should thank heaven if not to the executive headed by Conte, as unpleasant as a cat stuck to his testicles but who, after all, did it “better than many of his foreign colleagues.”

It should also be said that Feltri has also changed his mind about More expensive, which he was once proud not to use because they “bother me.” And he did it live on television, denying himself. “Put on your masks and do not break“” I am not a supporter of the government – he added – but in reality I cannot close my eyes. Yesterday we analyzed the data of many countries and we realized that Italy is a feather in the eye compared to almost all other countries, as well. that I cannot say that this government has acted badly and the results show it ”.

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