Florence, November 18, 2020 – Some nursing homes for the elderly will become Total Rsa Covid. This is what the latest has Order (number 112), signed today by the President of Tuscany, Eugenio Giani. This operation will be launched shortly and will remain in effect for the entire duration of the health emergency. The structures to be converted into RSA Covid will be mainly those with a higher percentage of positives: the ASLs have the task of preparing the list of structures with the necessary requirements to be reorganized, quickly, in total Covid and always in close collaboration with the Societies of Health and the territorial zones of district.
“We follow with the utmost attention what happens in the RSA in this difficult period and we act accordingly, implementing the best possible organizational solutions, in a shared and rapid manner, while the state of emergency determined by Covid lasts – declares President Giani -. The extraordinary nature of the events in which we live requires equally extraordinary interventions. That is why we activate more adequate and proportionate assistance channels for the ongoing emergency in assisted residential structures, which welcome fragile people. Differentiating the reception locations in total Covid and non-Covid allows us to counteract the spread of the virus and the contagions that continue between guests and dedicated support staff. Hence the inevitable and temporary I need to separate the positives from the negatives.. It is an act of both public health and the protection of individual health. “
“Our commitment – adds the regional councilor for Obra Social, Serena Spinelli- is to guarantee the maximum separation between positive and negative hosts to reduce infections as much as possible. At the same time, we are committed to paying all our attention to the proximity of their families, to provide each of the guests with the medical attention they need, in addition to social care, and at the same time protect all those who work in the RSA and they have been under great stress for months and ongoing risks. The commitment will be considerable, but with the collaboration of all we will achieve it ”.
Therefore, the ordinance provides precise indications both on the RSA requirements that can be converted (company or public ownership, number of beds, number of positive guests) and on the personnel required to ensure adequate levels of assistance ( mainly RSA and ASL personnel) in terms of handling the positives, the positives that become negative, and the negatives present in the structures converted into total Covid RSA that require temporary transfer, until the end of the emergency, in other non-Covid RSAs , guaranteeing territorial proximity as far as possible and after having informed the relatives and the treating physician. The management of the positives is entrusted in a shared way, until their negativization and subsequent placement in another non-Covid structure, to the usca and the family doctor, who coordinate with the specialists of the territorial groups and the corporate crisis units of the Rsa . regarding positive and negative guest movements.
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