A scary night last Friday at the Celio military hospital. Three Nigerian citizens, recently transferred from a reception center near Rome because they tested positive for the first swab – a man and two girls – caused panic in the Covid emergency department when they realized that they would not be discharged, like other foreigners, particularly a 16-year-old Bengali, who instead tested negative. At that time, they attacked first three noncommissioned officers in charge of discharging patients and then also the head of the department and his deputy.
The three, now out of control, devastated the room and also the adjacent ones in the same ward before being blocked by the carabinieri. The five soldiers were also medicated for the bites received by the girls who were reported to their compatriot for resistance, violence, injuries and insults to a public official, private violence and injuries to a public service official. On the episode, the leader of the League Matteo Salvini spoke: While the Ministry of the Interior of numbers to deny the migratory emergency, in the real world three Covid positive Nigerians have unleashed panic in the Celio military hospital in Rome: Italians pay for Conte and Lamorgese’s inability. This government endangers Italy.
At night, the clarification of the Defense General Staff: After the attempt to escape and the breach of the rules that regulate quarantine and the respective health surveillance, the three migrants were immediately detained while the health security measures provided for in the protocol defined in the scope of the measures for all the personnel involved. to combat Covid 19.
From what was verified by the Carabinieri of the Piazza Dante company, who intervened in the Celio, in reinforcement of their fellow military police, the three Nigerians, realizing that they would not be discharged, grabbed the Bengali and dragged him into a room. from which he was prevented from leaving. for about half an hour. At that moment, the medical colonel in charge of the department intervened. who tried to enter into a negotiation with them that was successful, as the sixteen-year-old was immediately released, so much so that the Nigerians were not charged with aggravated kidnapping but with private violence against him. In a second moment, the same three characters, 31, 27 and 25 years old, forever, who may have participated in recent days in the uprising of migrants at the Mondo Migliore reception center in Rocca di Papa, where some thirty positive guests and a hundred negative ones are now isolated (another hundred have been transferred to other municipalities in the province of Rome to lighten the structure), took it out on the officer and his deputy, a lieutenant, who were pushed and beaten. They would also have been bitten, and they ended up in the ER with a marshal and two corporals anyway. After the complaint, the three remained in their room.
Scandalous: Three Covid-positive Nigerian immigrants admitted to the Celio military hospital unleashed chaos, tried to escape and also attacked with military and medical bites. This government of irresponsible madmen endangers the safety and health of Italians and wants to transform Italy into the refugee camp of Europe. Shame, writes the president of Fratelli d’Italia, Giorgia Meloni on Facebook.
29 August 2020 | 20:06