Oxford vaccine virus: “Better tolerated in the elderly than in the young”

Now AstraZeneca will prepare the documents and data to request authorizations “worldwide from authorities that have a conditional or advance approval framework”. The company will also ask the World Health Organization for a list of possibilities to approve it for “emergency use” to achieve an accelerated path to vaccine availability in low-income countries. VIDEO, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN VACCINES
Clinical trials were conducted in the UK and Brazil, and “no hospitalizations or severe cases of the disease were reported” among volunteers who received the vaccine, the AstraZeneca note reads. The vaccine was 90% effective when administered from half a dose and then supplemented with a full dose at least one month later; while another dosing regimen (2 full doses 1 month apart) was 62% effective.
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by Elena Dusi

The combined analysis of the two types of dosage leads to an average efficiency of 70%, still explains the pharmaceutical group. Investigations now continue to accumulate data and establish the term of protection. Protection occurs 14 days after administration of the second dose and there were no serious problems: in both formulations, the vaccine was well tolerated. According to Oxford University’s head of testing, Professor Andrew Pollard, “These results show that we have an effective vaccine that will save many lives.”
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by Elena Dusi

AstraZeneca is working towards a continuous production capacity of up to 3 billion doses of the vaccine in 2021, pending regulatory approval. The vaccine, the company note says, can be stored, transported and handled under normal refrigeration conditions (2-8 degrees Celsius / 3646 degrees Fahrenheit) for at least six months and administered within existing healthcare facilities.
Vaccine, Pfizer ad: “95% effective, no serious side effects”

The volunteers who participated in the clinical trial campaign are more than 23,000, over 18 years of different racial and geographical groups who are healthy or in stable basic medical conditions. Studies are also underway in the United States, Japan, Russia, South Africa, Kenya, and Latin America, with additional studies planned in other European and Asian countries. In total, the company plans to test 60,000 volunteers around the world.
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by Elena Dusi