2020, between coronavirus, Dpcm and masks, has gradually left us a certainty: our virologists and politicians have assumed the role of new Cassandras and seers with little divination skills.
“At the moment, the virus in Italy is not circulating, so we can worry about the lightning, the floods, but not that virus at the moment; but beware, this is not happening by chance: it happens because precautions are being taken “, the virologist stated with great confidence Roberto Burioni on February 2 of last year, while commenting on the studies of What’s the weather like the case of Chinese tourists hospitalized in the Spallanzani in Rome. However, just two weeks later, Mattia, the so-called ‘patient zero’, was hospitalized in Codogno hospital for unidentified pneumonia. the coronavirus it had landed in Italy, but subsequent studies have shown that it was most likely present in our country as early as September. On July 12, Burioni, in a long post published on Facebook, reviews the entire series of statements he had made at the beginning of the pandemic and concludes that “At that time the authorities told us that the virus was not in Italy. My fault is therefore that of not having the ability to predict that the virus would be found eighteen days later. But I am a doctor, not a seer. And this inability to really predict the future is my limit ”. But Burioni’s is only one of the most famous prophecies that has been proven totally false.
The “zero risk” lie, well explained by Wikipedia. On February 2, 2020, during the television interview …
Posted by Medical Facts by Roberto Burioni on Sunday, July 12, 2020
There are others who, on the other hand, have ended up in the cauldron of the innumerable statements from the ranks of virologists who, in recent months, have wreaked havoc on the Italian media system. A little known yet Massimo Galli, director of infectious diseases at the Sacco hospital in Milan, on January 31, when asked by the Dire agency, reassured the Italians:“This is not the great pandemic that is going to kill, but this is a disease that from this point of view has a killing capacity that does not exceed 2%.” And, after making it clear that it made no sense “Go with masks”, minimized by explaining that it was an epidemic that affected only those who had had contact with the China. As such, I needed: “In the last week alone, more than 600 thousand flu syndromes have been registered in Italy and there are 3 million people affected by the flu since last October. Therefore, it is clear that we are in full season ”.
The leaders of the Democratic Party, on the other hand, had swiftly done everything possible to stigmatize hatred of China and the Chinese. Darius Nardella, on February 1 launched the social campaign #hug, accompanied by a video in which the mayor of Florence intended to carry out this gesture with strong anti-racist courage. “It is correct to take care and caution and follow the indications of the health authority for the coronavirus. But what is not acceptable – Nardella had declared – is psychological terrorism, it is the looting that some do just to find an excuse for hatred and exclusion. Instead, we are close to the Chinese community in this common battle. ” February 11th Giorgio goriThe mayor of Bergamo, on the other hand, had gone to lunch with his councilors at a Chinese restaurant in the Lombard capital. The Democratic Party was willing to do anything to root out any racism towards the Chinese and, at the same time, defend the cities it administers. And that’s why on February 27 Nicola Zingaretti decided to participate in the #Milanononsiferma initiative organized by the Milanese democrats and spent a pleasant evening at the Navigli. After ten days, the secretary of the Democratic Party announced that it was positive for Covid. At least he, however, had and still has the excuse of not being a virologist.
Today I have lunch in the Chinese restaurant with fellow members of the board: a small show of solidarity with these fellow citizens of ours, damaged by a completely unjustified scaremongering. There is absolutely nothing to fear! Also, the food was really excellent … pic.twitter.com/thmdScQq9V
– Giorgio Gori (@giorgio_gori) February 11, 2020
In fact, the distinguished professor’s words were much more serious Ilaria Capua, director of the One Health Center of Excellence at the University of Florida, who on February 25 said: Today we can say that Covid is not presented as an aggressive virus ”. Virology Maria Rita Gismondo, “The Sack Lady”, as her colleague Burioni ironically defined her, initially portrayed the coronavirus as a banal flu. But even those in far more important roles of responsibility have been in the news for making big mistakes. “The gauze masks, the ones that are sold like pancakes, are useless for the healthy person”, sanctioned with great confidence Walter Ricciardi, government advisor for relations with WHO, on February 25. “Medical aids should be reserved for doctors and nurses, they should be used wisely: wearing the mask is meaningless if you keep your distance. I don’t use it if I’m five feet away “ he repeated Alberto Villani, President of the Italian Society of Pediatrics, on March 19. “Today it is not necessary for those who manage to keep their distance and respect the indications that have been given, wear masks”, reaffirmed April 3 Angelo borrelli, head of Civil Protection during a press conference on infections. On the other hand, the World Health Organization, until the beginning of June, has always maintained that masks were not necessary to fight the virus. Exactly the opposite of the mandatory law currently imposed by the Italian government (and not only).
However, from a political point of view, 2020 was also characterized by the prime minister’s marine promises. Giuseppe Conte. On April 7, when presenting the Liquidity Decree, the Prime Minister triumphantly announced: “With the decree that has just been approved, we are giving immediate liquidity of 400,000 million euros to our companies, 200 for the domestic market, another 200 to strengthen the export market. It’s a firepower. “ Has anyone ever seen this money? Not to mention the mistakes made in those same months by the much-disputed president of the INPS, Pasquale Tridico, who had the thankless task of laying off Italians, who often arrived with notable delays. And his blunders? They range from the agency’s website attacked by phantom hackers to broadsides against businessmen. “Many stores do not reopen due to opportunism, due to laziness, so much is the state that pays “Tridicus stated sufficiently that, among other things, he is the creator of that phenomenal assistance tool called Citizen Income …
After almost three months of emergency shutdown, at the beginning of May, Italy restarts with a disturbing prophecy from the Technical-Scientific Committee: with the reopening there should be 150,000 Covid patients in intensive care in June. A figure that would have risen to more than 430,000 by the end of the year. Nothing more false. A prophecy that, furthermore, as the Charisma celebration has shown, arises from a serious miscalculation. But that is not all. In autumn, when the second wave of infections arrives, the media system rushes against the extremely dangerous Italians who dared to go on vacation (also thanks to the government holiday bonus) and against Professor Alberto Zangrillo who had dared to define “The clinically dead virus”. No one remembers, however, that the Deputy Minister of Health, Pier paolo sileri, On July 1, he reassured Italians with a prophecy worthy of the best magician Otelma: “There is talk of a new violent wave of the virus in September-October, but I don’t think that is the case.” . Still: “If we continue to create terror by thinking about what happened in the past, Italy will not restart.” Virologist Galli, on September 24, dispelled the hypothesis of a second wave. “We do not expect it,” he sentenced before jumping to say: “I think this may be a child of the great sacrifice that confinement represents, applied here in a more drastic way than elsewhere.”
However, as we sadly know, Prime Minister Conte, who on January 30th Lilly Gruber’s last guest had sworn: “We are very ready”, was found totally unprepared and displaced even in the face of the second wave. On October 25, in fact, he had to announce new restrictive measures that should have allowed us to “save” Christmas. Actually, this was not the case. On December 3, Conte is forced to invent the model of Italy in color, with differentiated limitations between the different Regions. And, finally, a few days before the holidays, the government, contrary to what was announced, establishes “the days in color”, reintroducing the closure for Christmas, New Year and Epiphany throughout the country. One joke after another …