Natalia Paragoni has betrayed Andrea Zelletta? The mystery deepens more and more after the letter that the former suitor of Men and women wrote to her boyfriend, still locked up in the house of Big Brother Vip. The influencer, in fact, accused Zelletta of having “distanced himself from her” and Dayane mello, to defend his friend, revealed that he was aware of some rumors about the couple. According to the story of the Brazilian model, Paragoni would have spent a night in the room with a mysterious man a Capri. And the same version would be confirmed by Tommaso zorzi, that your friend Cecilia Capriotti He confided: “Here we are talking about your girlfriend who slept with someone, who gave her everything the next day. He took her shopping. Among other things, Dayane also mentioned his name ”. Mello, in fact, would have mentioned the name of the mysterious lover in Zorzi’s ear and many web users would have also understood who he is: a rich heiress who went to class with Zorzi, Leonardo del Vecchio. For now they are just rumors, although it is not possible not to notice some coincidences. Del Vecchio, for example, was present at an event in Capri, which Natalia also attended. Also on Instagram, the man follows her and Zorzi. Andrea Zelletta, however, he said he believed his girlfriend, who assured that he never betrayed him.