Strong earthquake at 12.19 in Croatia. It is about a 6.3 earthquake recorded always in the southeast area of Zagreb, 217 kilometers from San Dorligo.
The rather shallow epicenter is near Sisak, halfway between Zagreb and the Bosnian border. A few minutes later, at 12:34 p.m., there was a second earthquake, in the same area, of magnitude 4.5.
The damage is extensive, with several buildings that have suffered collapses, power outages and telephone lines in the towns closest to the epicenter, particularly in Petrinja. A kindergarten and a hospital also collapsed.
At least seven confirmed victims at this time, including a minor. There are several injured, at least twenty, but the official numbers are not available at the moment. It is feared that several people, who were in the house, will be trapped in the rubble.
It also evacuated the Friuli Abs plant, of the Danieli Group, in Sisak. The business is closed for the Christmas holidays: only the maintenance team was operational at the time of the earthquake. All have left the factory and there are no injuries.
So much fear even in our region. The earthquake was clearly felt throughout the region, from the mountains to the coast. The magnitude was almost identical to that of the orcolat of May 6, 1976.
In the municipality of Udine, where Giunta’s end-of-year press conference was taking place, several people took to the streets. Many people have left their homes or offices, but there is no news of damage. The commotion was clearly felt throughout the Adriatic coast and as far as Naples and Milan.
Stop at the Krsko Power Station. The site of the Krsko nuclear power plant in Slovenia informs that the activity is in the state of Unexpected stop. The measured irradiation values are normal both in Krsko and near the plant. The control of radioactivity in the air in Udine carried out at 2.30 pm by Arpa Fvg did not reveal anything abnormal.
Civil protection Fvg in pre-alert. “I just spoke with the head of the National Department of Civil Protection, Angelo Borrelli, who is in contact with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, to let him know that the Civil Protection of Friuli Venezia Giulia is ready to workThis was announced by the Deputy Governor in charge of Civil Protection Riccardo Riccardi of the Palmanova operations center.
After the earthquake that was also felt in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the regional civil protection system is in a state of pre-alert. “At the moment – explains Riccardi – no damage to people or property has been reported in our region. However, we immediately activated a link with the national department of Civil Protection. our teams are ready to go. “
“The single emergency number switchboard – adds Riccardi- has already received more than 150 calls in an hour after the impact felt in our region.”
Many calls were also received from the switchboards of the four regional fire brigades to request information, but there were no reports of damage to things or people. In the event of a request for intervention from the competent international bodies, the modules of the earthquake version of the regional mobile column are ready to move to Croatia at any time.
Previous. The area is the same where two tremors were recorded yesterday, one of 5.2 degrees to 6.28 (with an epicenter 47 kilometers southeast of Zagreb) and another at 7.49 of magnitude 4.8 (ML Richter) with an epicenter not far from the first. 51 kilometers southeast of Zagreb. The seismic activity is therefore probably related.
In March, a 5.3 magnitude earthquake shook the city of Zagreb, killing one and injuring 27. A lot of help had also come from our region.