VERIFICATIONS – The police headquarters notified the disposition today after an investigation on November 28. New lawyer from the bar association: “Unorthodox procedure” Today the police also sanctioned a client found near the club, without a mask.

The new bar in Civitanova
of Laura boccanera
The New Bar in Civitanova, a meeting point for the local army, closed by the police. The police station this morning notified the closure of 10 days by order of the prefect following a report raised on December 4 in relation to an investigation carried out by controls related to the Covid regulations on November 28. In particular, the complaints refer to the presence of people with the intention of consuming open-top beverages outside the bar. This morning the agents of the Macerata police station notified the disposition. Which was contested by the owner’s lawyer Sandro Moroni who speaks of “Unorthodox procedure”. “On November 28, the patrol, as part of a territory control service, met 4 clients close to each other outside the bar with the intention of consuming,” explains the lawyer, “but the dispute does not take place immediately, but is only registered December 4. And the Prefecture, based on that report, today ordered the closure of the restaurant imposing a 10-day suspension. But what we are challenging is that the minutes are not drawn up immediately, effectively preventing them from immediately challenging the measure and reaching a compromise solution. It is also not written anywhere that the owner must control outside the premises, he does not have these skills. We will ask to reach a compromise measure because the procedure used for the control, with the lack of contesting the immediacy of the facts, is not orthodox. Today, at the time of the notification, the police also sanctioned a man who was in the vicinity of the place in via Matteotti, because he did not have a mask. The fine is 400 euros. The man justified himself by saying that he had taken it off because he was drinking wine.