Viola: “Opening schools did not increase infections, but the Ministry’s rules are insufficient. Masks even sitting down.” Download the study [PDF] INTERVIEW



Data on infections is accelerating dramatically: it reaches 20,000 according to the latest bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health.

It is clear from the weekly report of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità that the situation is getting worse and critical problems are just around the corner. The president of the Higher Health Council, Giorgio Locatelli, removes the ghost of confinement and above all reiterates that school will be the last activity to be sacrificed.

The specter of confinement looms and there is concern among teachers, students and parents about what will happen in the coming days in the school world.

From September 14 to today, the most recurrent question among professionals is always the same: has the school contributed to increasing infections? Teachers Enrico Bucci, Guido Poli and Antonella Viola, for the Transversal Pact for Science, have carried out a study entitled “Survey on the spread of the virus in schools”, which School horizon publish in full.

The immunologist from the University of Padua, a School horizon, explains the results of the study carried out: Our data suggest that at this time there are no more reasons to evoke the closure of schools than for the closure of the entire society, since the increase in infections does not seem to be attributable to the school.

Is school a source of contagion? Are we contagious inside the classroom instead of outside?

“The school is not the point from which the contagion starts, in the sense that the reopening has not affected the increase in cases that we are registering. But obviously the virus also enters the school as in all environments. If the rules are respected and, from our point of view, they are made more strict and uniform, the risk of contagion is lower than in uncontrolled environments ”.

Are the measures introduced so far by the Ministry of Education valid? Where can you improve?

“The measures are not enough and they are not uniform throughout the national territory. We always recommend wearing a mask to everyone or at least from high school. In the absence of a mask, the entire class must be quarantined. Rapid tests are essential ”.

Is school safe really just a slogan?

“It is not a slogan, but for it to be really safe, specific and coordinated actions are needed. We need accurate and constant monitoring. And without shortcuts. “


At 12 o’clock, live on Facebook and YouTube, the immunologist Antonella Viola and the biologist Michele Bocci will explain the data of the study carried out together with Guido Poli. The journalist Daniela Preziosi (Tomorrow) will speak.

