Ivan Romano via Getty Images
The latest, precisely in the most dramatic days for Campania, is the ban on speaking to journalists, directors and public health operators, about epidemiological data. Cameras in hospitals are also prohibited, that is, history, documentation, investigation of the emergency is prohibited. In short, those things that were fashionable in the twenties of the last century, after all, De Luca had said, were far beyond the “right-left” dialectic, beyond. Written measure, then rewritten, then revoked, where it was established that the only reference is the regional crisis unit of the Campania region. By the way, the governor has practically avoided speaking to journalists since February.
This article is not a corporate defense, even if the information blocking allows for vibrant outrage and even some reflection on double standards and double standards (close your eyes and imagine if Berlusconi or Salvini did). The episode is part of a story, always the same, that seems “color” but the color is not, it seems Crozza but Crozza but it is not, because after all, it is De Luca Crozza, but otherwise it happens in the As satire Helps to digest the indigestible with sympathy. In short, it is the story of a format: flamethrowers to clear graduation parties, pasta to prepare so as not to leave, borders to close, suggestions for independence, monologues, paternalism, the one that speaks for everyone, in an emergency phase. in which the competition is among the many “ones” who speak for all.
We were saying, the narrative of the iron fist, of the attributes, of the decision-making that allowed, in the face of the spring default in the north, to monetize a success also in electoral terms, and it does not matter that, so much is not a detail, the confinement it was a national measure, even before the bell. Here, of a power that found a cement and a history in the emergency. The problem is that, therefore, reality sooner or later always tears the Mayan veil of representation.
The reality is the emergency, with more than seven hundred positives in a day from almost 10,000 swabs, so the “incidence rate” is quite high. The torn representation is that of a working model and the strong man as synonymous with efficiency. Only the pads are a frank disaster, just look at the images of the lines in front of ASL in Naples, with waits of more than five hours. It is true that it also occurs in high regions, however, there is a specificity here. And it is that Campania is among the last regions by the number of tampons compared to the number of inhabitants: to give an idea, in Lombardy there are between 20 and 30 thousand. The gossip, of which the world is populated, also hypothesizes a political use of this type of exams, less at the time of the electoral campaign, greater today but, in reality, it is an unprovable malice. Instead, it is demonstrable that Campania is the region of Italy that spends the most on health, a delegation that the governor has reserved for himself along with culture. In the ANAC report presented in Parliament in June, we read that the amount incurred by the emergency amounts (referred to tenders) to almost 204 million, in relation to the period between January 1 and April 30. This is the latest data available and it is only the beginning of the emergency. That is, Campania has spent more than Veneto and is second only to Lombardy, Tuscany and Piedmont. The figure, obviously, is in the most complicated months of the emergency. However, tampons are suffering, as is the situation of intensive care is unclear, whose number in the regional plan presented by the Region in December 2019 amounts to 621 places, but then in the initial phase of the emergency the figure becomes three hundred seats. in the words of De Luca. To date, the Regional Crisis Unit speaks of 55 occupied intensive care beds and 108 available, while in hospital beds 550 are used, 665 are available.
In short, the numbers are unclear. The count includes the three famous Covid Ospitals of Naples, Salerno and Caserta, complete prefabricated with 72 beds, announced almost with fanfare and much applause from the citizens who look at the balconies of Ponticelli in the hardest days of the confinement. The Judicial Power is also investigating the tender for more than 15 million euros awarded by the regional purchasing center, with an emergency procedure: the hypothesis is of competition in the interruption of auctions and fraud in public supplies, in relation to the procedures for the award and execution of works.
Of the three Covid hospitals, only the one in Naples is fully operational, while in Salerno and Caserta the works have been completed as works, but there is still nothing inside. Instead, in the meantime, there was a taunt revealed by an investigation by Fan page, in connection with the purchase of 72 lung ventilators, again as part of the acquisition of pre-built hospitals. And never tested. Unpacked on September 4, it was discovered that they have the user interface only in German, therefore they do not comply with the purchase order and once activated the generic alarm signal is in German. Everything is ready, however, declares the crisis unit, the one to which journalists must go to tell the format and not the reality. When all this nightmare is over, we will open the debate on how some self-proclaimed champions of the fight against populism resemble populism.