CROTONE – There is no desire to speak among the people of Crotone. The faces found in the water-ravaged streets speak of resignation. We missed this other catastrophe after two blockades! The damage is suffered by ordinary citizens who have lost their cars or even their canned goods in warehouses, but it is mainly merchants. The one in via Mario Nicoletta, in via Crea, in Spiaggia delle Forche. The flood did not spare the coast, which was without power for hours. Water poured from the sky and not absorbed by the drainage network reduced hopes of an economic recovery. But he didn’t turn them off. A few hours had passed and the people of Crotone had already gone to work to clean, to put it back in its place.
In via Cappuccini, which was filled with water in a few minutes, mud-stained Christmas decorations are thrown from a gift shop. It is the symbol of this terribly unforgettable 2020. Balls and trinkets float in the water that has invaded the shops. But clean. We try to start over. In a mobile phone shop on Via Nicoletta they were removing the wooden floor to remove the water; Bengali merchants who do business in via Spiaggia delle Forche sweep the water from the facilities; even the mechanics of that road stem lube is leaking the best it can. Volunteers from Prociv and the Ultras Curva Sud group (which suffered from the flooding of the headquarters) help to move the cars that got stuck and open the sewers to drain the liquid mixture of water and mud. Firefighters go up and down without rest. They pick up people trapped in their houses or cars. They never stop In the street, among the mud and rubble, there is also the deputy Sergio Torromino: “leave me the photos and videos of all this misfortune, I have to take them to Rome so that it is clear what happened here,” he says.
Against the backdrop of the quagmire caused by the rain that fell in a few hours, an A stands out celebrating a victory for the city. Also this time we will know how to get up, but this time we need the help of Italy to prevent us from sinking.