From the street vendor at the weekly market to the brothers Franco and Fedele Sannella. There are several merchants and businessmen who have ended up in the sights of the Foggiana Company – “enemy number one of the State” – composed of the three batteries of the Moretti-Pellegrino-Lanza, the Sinesi-Francavilla and the Trisciuoglio-Tolonese-Prencipe, with the latter “Which lately is gaining ground compared to the others”Underlined Giuseppe Gatti (read here).
Fourteen extortions challenged in Operation Decima-bis. During the investigation, a new ‘extortion list’ was also seized, with updated names and details.
The “deep throat” of the Registry Office on deaths
In the investigation papers also an extortion to the detriment of Sannella, former patron of Foggia Calcio. Alessandro Aprile, Francesco Tizzano, Francesco Pesante and Ivan Emilio D’Amato, accused of having forced the sole director of Tamma Industrie Alimentari to pay the sum of 3,000 euros, implicitly making the victim understand that in the event of non-payment he would have suffered retaliation that prevents you from continuing your business activity.
The same criminal plan launched by Alessandro Aprile, Francesco Pesante, Raffaele Palumbo, Gioacchino Frascolla and Michele Carosiello against a Cerignola merchant who operated in the weekly market in Foggia. Here too, the extortion request amounted to 3,000 euros.
The threat consisted in suggesting to the victim that in the event of non-payment of the bribe, he would not be able to carry out his work in the Foggia and Cerignola markets, thus evoking, in a very evident way, the ability to control the situation. territory of the mafia organization to which they belong.
The names of the detainees in operation ‘Decima bis’
In the sights of Alessandro Aprile, Francesco Tizzano, Antonio Verderosa and Antonio Salvatore, an excavation and earthmoving company has also completed. The owner businessman was forced by threats to pay a regular bribe of 1200 euros per month.
In the clutches of the Foggia mafia, through the extortionary activity of Alessandro Aprile and Francesco Tizzano, the businessman and promoter of two gambling agencies had also ended up being forced to pay, as well as the owner of a company that deals with the distribution of coffee and pods. a bribe of € 1,500, which was later reduced to € 1,000 after the change in criminal strategies.
And also a shipping company whose sole director was forced to guarantee the association, instead of a bribe of unskilled money, three jobs in favor of so many subjects indicated by them.
Alessandro Aprile, Francesco Tizzano and Antonio Salvatore are also accused of extortion to the detriment of a funeral home, whose owners had been forced to pay a periodic bribe of 3,000 euros per month.
Francesco Pesante, Francesco Tizzano, Ivan Emilio D’Amato and Marco Gelormini are also accused of having threatened two riders who were preparing to compete at the Castelluccio dei Sauri racecourse in the ‘Premio Gubbio’ race so as not to finish in the three first positions of the race. , by not doing so for reasons beyond their control, in particular due to non-compliance by the victims, who reported the incident to the authorities.
They threatened violent retaliation “If I made it to the finish, they wouldn’t let me get home. Faced with my grievances and my attempts to make them understand that I could not submit to their threats, the two reacted by starting to pull me and seeming aggressive, raising their voices, they repeated the threats. Still: “You don’t have to finish in one of the top three positions because this is our home. “
In addition, Francesco Tizzano would have forced, through death threats, a Foggia rider to pay him a bribe of 2,000 euros (corresponding to a claim derived from an original investment of 5,000 euros to pilot a horse race, so a partial recovery of 3,000).
“I will break the horns of you and this Maximin “, the threat. “I come to Foggia and I come to find you. We took three thousand euros, we lost two thousand euros in five! I made them hunt for money, I said you hunt for money, jockey. You give me the money and that cuckold bastard son“. Still: “I said I have to kill you, you have to bring me the money. And now, starting next time, do what I tell you … so now I understand the system.
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Alessandro Aprile, Francesco Tizzano, Emilio D’Amato, Francesco Pesante, Massimo Perdonò, Ernesto Gatta and Michele Carosiello did not spare a single fruit merchant. “In Foggia, you have to pay us the extortion. You have to give us three thousand euros a month, otherwise the trucks will be dismantled “. Alessandro Aprile informed the victim that he had spoken with Francesco Tizzano and “the others” reminding him that they had accepted the proposal to receive a thousand euros per month but with the condition and with the imposition that he should only have to sell potatoes and onions. The merchant had already been the victim of another extortion by Iván Narciso, a bribe of 500 euros a month: “Ior I’m already paying. “
Raffaele Palumbo is charged with extortion by a bar owner. The papers reveal the history of the extortion request and the fear of the victim: “From the car I entered, who is the master? Said it’s me Can I be of service? You have to sit down, I give you two days, you have to give us what you have to do, immediately and a lot a month. He trembled, he shitted ”.
While Antonio Verderosa is also accused of the attempted extortion against a furniture company, from which he had demanded from one of the partners the cancellation of a residual debt of 800 euros contracted by the other shareholder for the purchase of a bedroom and the payment later. of a bribe that is not better established: “If you pay someone from now on you have to pay me, I am Tonino Sciallett, 800 does not have to give you anything else“, an expression that clearly alluded to the victim’s need to pay a sum of money as a bribe
Massimo Perdonò is also accused of attempted extortion against a company that operates in the collection and storage of straw, as well as in the transport and marketing of tomatoes. He had asked for a periodic bribe in his favor: “We want gifts for Christmas, we want money. We too have to live. ” To the injured person he hinted Cshould have extended the illegal request to the other shareholders by adding: “You have to get together with the others and give us a Christmas present”
Against two butchers of Pasquale Moretti, Alessandro Morena and Alfonso Capotosto, they are accused of usury. “They made themselves give and promise, by themselves and by others, even with the use of the threat (in case of delay, in exchange for a payment of not less than 1500 euros towards the monthly fee of 250, usurious interest equal to less than 10% per month and that they have also reached the total amount of 100% of the amounts initially loaned, with the quantification of the total debt of at least 14 thousand euros.
Morena was in charge of defining the credit / debit relationship with the victim, collecting and maintaining the usury fund. El Capotosto as a collector. Moretti (to whom most of the proceeds of the illicit activity were destined) gave directives, in addition to contributing the money to be lent and participating directly in the collection phase of the definition of relations with the victims in case of non-compliance.
Always Pasquale Moretti, Alessandro Morena and Alfonso Capotosto are accused of repeated threats to extort money from the two butchers, forcing them to pay undue monthly sums for the usurious activity, making them understand that the place would have been attacked or they would close. One of the two was also assaulted, as can be seen from a conversation in Morena’s car with Pasquale Moretti: “Mom how i did it“. Still: “Now Wednesday, if you don’t give it to me, I’ll take it and hit it. I throw bottles and everything in his face“In interceptions Moretti would have said:”Now I take it and the ‘palieo‘, ‘I don’t want to be mean, I don’t want to take anything from you but don’t let me get to this point where I have to take something from you “ And Morena continued: “Compà now we arrive at 12, now you are joking too much with fire ”.
The papers show another usury activity carried out by Pasquale Moretti and Alessandro Morena through which, for a provision of money of at least two thousand euros, with a monthly donation of the sum of 400 euros, a usurious interest equal to 10 will be considered % monthly, Foggia, as consideration for the non-payment of the debt, had acquired the availability of the public housing floor assigned to the victim.
Pasquale Moretti, Alessandro Morena and Alfonso Capotosto had forced another victim to pay them undue monthly sums for the usury activity. The threat consisted of implicitly making the victim understand that in the event of non-payment of the money, he would have suffered reprisals. In the interceptions, Morena addressed the victim in this way: “But nobody has broken your head, but for real. Tomorrow if you don’t give me all the money I’ll break your head. Don’t let it pass tomorrow night, otherwise I’ll break your horns tomorrow night. Tomorrow night I will break your horns ”.