Very partial openings, closed schools and red zones – Libero Quotidiano


As of December 4, Italy reopens, but “with caution.” Translated: the new Dpcm Christmas to the study of Giuseppe Conte, Roberto Speranza me Cts foresees a timid reopening, but not for everyone. And if the “airtime” will be between one blockade and another, for some the red zone will not end with the holidays. According to an indiscretion of Corriere della Sera, I secondary schools will be closed at least until January, until after the Epiphany. A sign that the government does not know how to solve the problem of transportation, more than that of safety in the classroom. So we talk about “restaurants and bars open at night but not during holidays “(and always with the limit of 4 people per table),” extended hours for shops“,” minimum exemptions for displacement between regions“(substantially prohibited movement outside regional borders) and” red zones “still active in the Province considered more at risk.

Exemptions at Christmas.  Indiscreta-Zampa: what will change for the regions, will we come back to life?

In addition, the government reserves the right to issue closing orders around Christmas and New Years, on the model of anti-disco measures after Mid-August. Now the refrain is known: “We will be very strict, we cannot allow the summer movie to be seen again,” in the words of the Undersecretary of Health. Sandra Zampa, from Pd. The government is already preparing for war with the governors, who are concerned about the health, but perhaps even more so about the economic, social and psychological stability of their citizens.
