“Very close to the new measures for the economy, there is widespread social and psychological unrest” – Corriere.it


The dramatic moment that Italy and the whole world is going through undermines not only the economy, but also the minds of people, as Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in his speech at the FIPE assembly. “Obviously it is a difficult stage in our republican history – Conte explains – a very complex moment from the economic and social point of view. There is a general social and even psychological malaise on the part of many citizens and economic operators. We must take this into account: the faster we manage to contain the contagion, the faster we can regain the confidence necessary to restart. We are tightening the contagion containment times ».

The parameter system

And even if the contagion curve slows, attention must remain high. The measures implemented by the government are working, since they were conceived with the 21 parameters to determine the level of risk. «The system of parameters allows us to carry out targeted interventions and introduce restrictive measures limited in time and well balanced in the effective level of risk in the territories. In this way we try to contain and limit the contagion. Tightening was necessary, avoiding generalized blocking. I know that after the adoption of the distancing protocols that you strictly respected you were disappointed by the restrictive measures, but I think that we all realize, after this wave of such a violent pandemic, so vehement throughout Europe, that the protocols would not have been enough: all we would be overwhelmed. Hence the need for new restrictive measures and limitations on sociality.

Economic resources

Of course, the economic situation worsens, but the prime minister assures that the government is working on new resources in a short time. The impact of the pandemic requires “a prolonged financial commitment over time and even more substantial than what has been done so far.” Specifying: “We realize that what has been done so far is not enough.” Consequently, new incentives are being considered. “Rent for merchants is a significant cost, heavy for those who work in the areas most exposed to the crisis. I am aware of how much this topic feels, I often meet many individual exponents of this category. We must think of tax incentive schemes without penalizing the owners. And if the purchases in the store have collapsed, those of the web increase. “I think that an alteration in the habits of life of citizens could come from the great use of online purchases: this can redefine some economic sectors. We have to maintain the balance of the commercial sector, otherwise it will be difficult to intervene later.

Dialogue and collaboration

“I hope that in the coming months the government, the trade unions, like yours – underlines the premier -, responsible and collaborative, can continue to discuss in an open, transparent and constant discussion. With dialogue and collaboration we will be able to lift our heads, to reopen the door to the future with confidence and determination. With the awareness “that new inequalities are being created and that there are categories that enjoy greater protection, social groups that are also capable of accumulating greater savings than in the past, let’s think about public employees. Now we have to endure, make many sacrifices all together. We are there, we are available to make many comparison tables.

Recovery Fund

The national recovery and resilience plan, which will be able to leverage the enormous resources of the Recovery Fund, is essential. Even in these hours we are working on the budget plan: we will approve it internally and we will present it in Brussels ”.

November 18, 2020 (change November 18, 2020 | 13:58)

