Versilia, a school leaves a 4-year-old boy without a Christmas present: “He didn’t behave well”


On December 23, the last day of classes before the holidays in a Versilia kindergarten, a 4-year-old boy would have been the only one who did not receive the gift from the teachers because, according to the teachers themselves, “he behaved well.” The baby’s mother reported the incident.

According to his mother, on December 23 he went to pick up his son and the teacher went to meet him to tell him that “Santa Claus had not passed” for him. A punishment for “too hectic”.

“According to them, he deserved a lesson, that’s why they didn’t give him the Christmas present,” the woman explained. “Is that okay? – He asks himself – He was very upset. Can you imagine the scene of the classmates who discard the packages and only one who runs out? He told me that in class he cried, when I went to look for him he was dejected It is not like that. “And the mother adds:« I do not think about sending him there even though I spoke with the director who did not know everything and was very sorry. She said she would ask. But it is too late, for my son it was a shock and I want to keep him away from the teachers who have made such a choice ». The child was also told, perhaps to reassure him, that “if he had been good in January, when school resumed the present, they would have hit him.”
