Venice, “the fact of not activating the Mose can be a damage for the fiscal authorities”: that negative opinion ignored on the raised bulkheads with 130 centimeters


“If the Mose at the predicted altitude of 110 centimeters above sea level could also be configured as fiscal damage, as in the case of meteorological forecasts of 125 centimeters that could turn into tides of the order of 150/160 centimeters. Not impossible, as happened on the night of November 12, 2019, when the second highest tide in history occurred with a level of 187 centimeters from a tide forecast of 145 centimeters. “At the end of September, the deputy attorney general of Public Works of Triveneto, the engineer Francesco Sorrentino, had attached a eight page review, with negative considerations on the decision to raise the Mose, although in the experimental phase, only to the level 130 centimeters in the middle sea. If they had listened to it, it would not have checked into Tuesday of the Immaculate Conception nightmare, 138 cm in Venice e 146 Chioggia, that engulfed both cities.

That opinion, of which have read, it is attached to the minutes of the meeting of Technical and administrative committee that on September 30 he made the decision on the origin of what happened on December 8. At the table, in addition to those responsible for port authorities YPort Authority, there was the extraordinary commissioner of Mose, Elizabeth spitz, and the public works supervisor Cinzia Zincone, who now, as decision makers, have applied the protocol. The engineer Sorrentino (who does not make statements, ed) did not want to storm the situation, but to support a thesis that plunges into the history of Mose. That is, the 110-centimeter level for raising the Mose was set twenty years ago by Interministerial committee – after long studies – and only that authority could have imposed different terms. Furthermore, if the work is still in the experimental phase, because it was decided to use it only under conditions of greater stress, with higher tides, And not at the lowest, least critical level? ”.

Since Safeguarding law for Venice and its lagoon The Committee was born, an inter-ministerial authority entrusted “with the direction, coordination and control for the execution of the planned interventions.” In those years it was decided to raise the embankments and sidewalks by 110 centimeters, the same measure that occurs today in projects to protect the insula di St. Mark’s Square. In yesterday’s story, the engineer Sorrentino found the evidence that the Comitatone (with its technical joints) had fixed (March 8, 1999, July 12, 2000 and December 6, 2001), the level of the tide at 110 centimeters to operate the Mose. . Now, however, the technical table has decided that “until December 31, 2021, it will still not be possible to defend the lagoon for all events of more than 110 centimeters as established by the Interministerial Committee, because not everything is in full performance, tested and verified “. , as well as being able to progressively adapt maritime traffic management ”. In addition to a technical problem, therefore, there is also a reason linked to the need not to close the inputs for too long, stopping the boat traffic.

The control room document specifies that if the weather conditions worsen, the rise of the Mose can be assessed up to 9 hours before the tidal event, after which there is no more time and you have to resign yourself. The decision not to go up with a tide below 130 centimeters, according to the engineer, “is not the responsibility of either the Provveditorato or the Commissioner Sbloccacantieri, being the exclusive competence of the Comitatone “. Therefore, the exception would not be legitimate. The deputy director added:” Precisely because the work is not yet finished, it would have been necessary test the openings of the four barriers in non-extreme conditions, perhaps even with a tide forecast of less than 110 centimeters, without prejudice to the obligation, even moral, to open whenever tides equal to or greater than 110 centimeters are expected ”. His vote against was also motivated by the risk to public safety to which the population is exposed if the Mose is not activated. “Unfortunately, in November 2019 this happened in the city of Pellestrina, when a person died due to an electrical short circuit in his home flooded by high tide ”.

On these issues, in August, Senator Orietta vanin of the 5 star movement had sent a question. And on Tuesday he declared: “We expected it, but the minister never answered us. We ask who, how and why. Who decides when to raise the doors? Based on what? Responding to what protocols? Why, if the Mose was designed to be lifted with 110-centimeter tides, does the extraordinary Commissioner arbitrarily decide to operate it with different, completely arbitrary and questionable tidal measurements?
