Squeezed between two orange regions like Emilia Romagna and Friuli Venezia Giulia, as of today, Veneto will continue to be “a more yellow area”, at least until next December 3. In the morning the Venetian governor Luca zaia will present the new ordinance, which should substantially confirm the regulations that came into force on November 14, “except for some minor adjustments as a result of the experience accumulated in these ten days”: some sparkles at weekend openings, but limited to certain categories of products, since the contagion and hospitalization curves do not allow relaxation. His fellow neighbors had already intervened to modify the respective measures, but while Stefano Bonaccini had maintained regional restrictions in parallel with the state ones, Massimiliano Fedriga had adapted to the limitations prescribed at the national level and yesterday reversed the hypothesis of introducing some red areas, preferring to opt for a carpet swab campaign in the most infected municipalities.

New ordinance
Zaia has hinted that the cornerstones of the ordinance will remain standing, as lmandatory mask practically everywhere, the authorization to walk in places with few people, the regulation of markets, the ban on drinking at the counter after 3 pm. As to closes on Saturdays (for medium and large sales structures) and on Sundays (for all stores), some more businesses may be allowed to open. For example we talk about the resales of tool (but in Emilia Romagna personal and household hygiene products have also been launched, as well as stationery and stationery articles), with the clarification that LPG and methane distributors can remain operational seven days a week. This last clarification was contained in one of the periodic clarifications posted on the Region’s website, but apparently it did not seem official enough to outside eyes. It also happened due to the cessation of physical and musical education (whether it is singing or the use of wind instruments), in primary and secondary school: several schools suspended classes, despite the fact that Palazzo Balbi had indicated that they had not yet The required opinion of the National Scientific Technical Committee was reached. In this regard, the Avvocatura reiterates that the request, pending for a week, has not yet received a response, so “currently it is not prohibited to perform musical and physical activities.”
Coronavirus, Veneto is observed special. Changes are coming to the “yellow plus” ordinance
Veneto is a “special observed” and its governor Luca Zaia agrees with that. Because the fact of being attentive – like Friuli Venezia Giulia and Molise – by the ministry and the Higher Institute of Health can induce citizens to “not party” and to observe the rules even more scrupulously.
Friuli Venezia Giulia
Meanwhile, in Friuli Venezia Giulia, after another confrontation with the team of experts led by Professor Fabio Barbone, the Region considered it unnecessary to establish red microzones, given the small size of the affected municipalities. It was preferred to opt for the South Tyrol model and subject the population of the countries with the most infections to a massive diagnostic control, depending on which filters will start tomorrow. Specifically, the municipalities involved will be six: in the province of Pordenone they are Castelnovo del Friuli (834 inhabitants) and Claut (887); in the province of Udine, Paularo (2,457), Socchieve (883) and Sutrio (1,267); in the province of Gorizia, Dolegna del Collio (329). The experiment can be extended to other municipalities.
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And give
Yesterday in the Northeast another 3,709 infections and 37 deaths were registered. In particular, Veneto has detected 3,034 new cases (total 124,005) and 24 victims (from the beginning 3,236), with the number of hospitalized patients increasing to 303 in intensive care and 2,368 in non-critical areas, while people in home isolation are reduced to 39,051. In contrast, Friuli Venezia Giulia recorded 675 new infections (24,658 in total) and 13 deaths (646 from the beginning), with 56 patients in intensive care and 545 in other departments, in addition to another 12,450 people in quarantine.

Last update: 10:47