The Veneto result is also important on the internal front of the League, because Zaia is considered the political antagonist of leader Matteo Salvini. According to Rai’s projection, the governor’s personal payroll – also renamed “Il Doge” – exceeds 52 percent and exceeds the official League that does not reach 15. It is followed by the Democratic Party with 13.6% Fratelli d’Italia with 8.3%, the Venetian list with 2.9%, the 5-star movement with 2.7%, Forza Italia with 2.6%, Green Europe with 1.7%, Veneto che Vogliamo with 1 , 5%, the Movement 3v with 0.9%, Rifondazione-pci with 0.8% and the others with 2.8%.
Matteo Salvini tries to lower the derby within the League: “Without competition, I am proud.” A press conference and a brief meeting for Zaia are planned at the historic headquarters of the Veneta League in Treviso, where the squad of their electoral campaign has already set up a stage in the courtyard to welcome the fans.