There are those who compare the pandemic to a war, where hospitals are the new trenches, with doctors and nurses fighting the bloodiest battle. But in this context there are also those who decide to take a step back. From February to today, 4,213 doctors, nurses, lab technicians, and health and social workers have refused to be hired for not working in Covid departments.
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It is Patrizia Simonato, Managing Director of Azienda Zero, the liaison body of the Veneto regional health system, to shed light on a cross section that the hospital system is dealing with with Padua, Verona, Vicenza, Treviso, Rovigo and Belluno. “There is no lack of desire to hire”, clarified the manager, during the press point of the president of the Region Luca Zaia. “What is lacking is the availability of doctors and health personnel in general, especially in the specialties that are most needed in the face of Covid, that is, first aid and anesthesia and resuscitation personnel. When we find them, they often refuse to sign the contract when they discover that they are destined for the trenches against the virus.
Coronavirus, 202 doctors died in Italy. Twenty three in the second wave alone
by Viola Giannoli

This then has an impact on what has become personnel management risk. A case that caused a sensation is that of the Borgo Roma hospital in Verona, where the activity of the operating rooms was reduced by 30 percent to kidnap the staff of the Covid rooms. Since the beginning of the pandemic until today, the Veneto Region has hired 2,954 health professionals, including 1,182 doctors and the rest nurses, assistants, health social workers. Of these, 2,954 are self-employed or co.co.co contracts, 1,233 permanent contracts, 392 fixed-term. “In the self-employed area we had this bitter surprise, with 4,213 applications received, accepted and later rejected because the destination did not like it,” continues Simonato.
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The numbers are always the measure of the severity of the phenomenon. In July, they explained to the Veneto region, 128 places were banned in the emergency room but, in the end, 14 specialized doctors and 25 apprentices were hired. In December, another call for 107 places: 14 specialists and 39 postgraduate courses were hired. The rules that govern the national health system do not help. In fact, the law prohibits local health authorities from hiring graduates and qualified individuals who are not specialized or graduate students. Therefore, these figures can work, at most, as co.co.co or with a VAT number but, in this way, they do not fall within the competition quotas reserved for employees of the national health system. And so they are trapped in precariousness.