Veneto coronavirus today, October 14 newsletter. Rise of the positive – Chronicle


Venice, October 14, 2020 – New wave of coronavirus infections in Veneto, where they are registered 657 positives in the last 24 hours (yesterday it was 485). But no victims were registered, while yesterday there were 7. The total number of infected since the beginning of the pandemic amounts to 32,973. On the other hand, there are no victims, so the data remains firm in 2,226. This was stated in the bulletin of the Region.

On the other hand, both subjects in home isolation increased dramatically, 12,834 (+1,151), and currently positive 7,182 (+527). The number of people hospitalized in normal hospital wards, 359 (-3), and of patients in intensive care, 40 (-1), decreased slightly.

Subjects in home isolation in Veneto are 12,834, divided as follows by provinces: Belluno 1,195, Padua 1,373, Rovigo 465, Treviso 2,902, Venice 2,473, Verona 2,718, Vicenza 1,708.

Read also the data of Emilia Romagna


Zaia: “The health system is not on alert”

A situation that does not determine, as the Governor Zaia, without alarm for the regional health system, with capacity for 464 places in resuscitation. However, compared to a month ago, the increase in infections had a clear impact on hospitals: on September 14, 151 people were hospitalized in normal wards, today 359 (+ 137%), while 20 patients were in intensive care, now 40 (+ 100%).

Yesterday The Veneto region had registered 485 Covidien contagion plus (the day before was 328), e 7 victims. There is no indication that the new wave of infections in the region is slowing. THE dead, among hospitals and nursing homes, have risen to 2,226 (+7).

Covid, the other news of October 14

Covid, infections are accelerating. Resuscitation in crisis. Doctors: “Risk of collapse in two months”

Lombardy, new cases on the rise. Rise in hospitalizations

Germany more than 5 thousand cases. In the Netherlands, “partial blockade”
