Veneto coronavirus, 59 new positives at night, flying in Venice. Home insulation +732


Veneto Coronavirus, 59 new positives and no deaths overnight (after 3 deaths yesterday). TO Venice 21 of the 59 new cases registered. Another 9 in Padua, 9 in Treviso, 9 in Verona.
The actual positive cases are 2937 of which 978 in Treviso.
In domestic isolation 7876 people of which 153 with symptoms: are fine 732 cso isolated more than 8 in the morning yesterday.

160 people hospitalized with Covid-19 of which 95 were positive (12 in intensive care and 83 in a non-critical area).

This is what is revealed in the newsletter of the Veneto Region of today September 9 at 8 in the morning.

Read and download —> the bulletin from the Veneto region on September 9 at 8

Last updated: 14:54

