Veneto coronavirus, 161 new cases and 2 deaths. The worst are Verona +36 and Treviso +34. Blocks fly to 7,611


Veneto coronavirus, the bulletin Today, September 16, at 5:00 p.m., broadcast by the Region. am 161 new Covid infections recorded overnight and 2 deaths. In the end, the total of infected is 25,180, while the deceased amount to 2,151. The most affected provinces are: Verona +36, Treviso +34, Padua +17, Venice + 16, Vicenza +15. Currently positive cases are 2,998.

Hospitalized for Covid 19 in hospital 182 people, of which 122 were positive (13 in intensive care and 109 in a non-critical area).

The number of subjects in home isolation increased to 7,611.

SITUATION IN FVG. Today 29 new positives and no deaths. The outlook for hospitalizations and intensive care is stable.

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Infections today in Veneto

September 16 newsletter at 5:00 p.m.: download the Pdf


Last updated: 17:28

