Veneto, cases on the rise and hospitalizations worse than in March: here are the 7 critical points of the defeat. So Zaia goes from defending her “model” to requesting a red zone


Until the summer it was considered a model in the fight against the pandemic. It is now the Region with more infections and deaths from Covid-19, in stark contrast to the rest of Italy. That something no longer worked in Veneto even the governor has noticed Luca zaia, went from the satisfied tone of a month ago to the ultimatum of the Palazzo Chigi. On November 4, while Lombardy me Piedmont entered the red zone and the Veneto was yellow, the president of the Northern League stated that “the management system and health model“From their Region” they have held“Now he admits that” the situation is absolutely heavy“, Much to ask for”maximum restrictions during the holiday period “throughout the country, otherwise” we do. “In the last 24 hours in Veneto, 3,817 new infections and 77 deaths have been found, bringing the total to more than 5,000, while in hospitals hospitalized there are more than 3 thousand (the balance compared to yesterday is -7 occupied places). In March, however, there were a thousand fewer. It is with these numbers that Zaia appeared at the summit between the executive and governors to discuss what measures to introduce to Christmas: “If not let’s close everything now in January we will find ourselves restarting with too high a plateau, “he said, gaining the support of Lazio, Friuli me Molise and Ministers Boccia and Speranza.

A decisive change in line with respect to recent weeks, like the protests of medici me nurses. On the other hand, it is a report prepared by the Region itself to photograph the race to the abyss started in November. the death rate in Veneto, when compared to the averages of the 2017-19 triennium, registered an increase of 32%, as deaths rose from 2003 to 2,642. Even higher figures from November 16 to 30, with an increase in 44% over the three-year period, with deaths ranging from 2044 to 2940. And December is getting even worse. Between Province, the highest increase in mortality was found in Ulss in Verona (+ 59%), followed by Berica-Vicenza (+ 57%) and Belluno (51%). The deaths, however, are the last link in a chain of errors that starts from the constant classification of the Region in the yellow zone and intersects with the lack of usca, the knot of the tampons and the number of intensive therapy available, considered “doped” by the national secretary of Anaoo Assomed Carlo Palermo. Because then a Region that until the beginning of autumn seemed to resist in the best of cases Second wave Covid, were you forced to revolve around Christmas? I am at least seven critical points that unions and experts question Zaia’s management of the health emergency. Here are which ones.

YELLOW ZONE – For more than a month, the Governor has staunchly defended the veneto maintenance in the “yellow zone” (which he called “more yellow” for some Sunday restrictions to shopping centers). Now he brings up the Ministry of Health and the Roman algorithms that have kept it unchanged, also because, according to the numbers, in the red zones infections decreased by a third, while in yellow they remained practically unchanged (and in Veneto they even increased). Against this line came a hard attack Palermo, National Secretary of the Hospital Physicians Guild. “The fault of the situation in Veneto is not the gods the citizens, but of those who persist in maintaining the yellow zone despite infections, hospitalizations and deaths in the red zone ”. Anaoo’s Venetian secretary thinks so too, Adriano Benazzato, according to which “has come beginning of October that things have started to go wrong. It is useless to insist on staying yellow like Zaia did, who now blames the government. An analogous concept was expressed Gianfranco Refosco, Secretary General of CISL, who requested a mass projection for Veneto and “the entry into orange zone, with all the necessary rights and guarantees on refreshmentsIn a word, Veneto may have suffered from upper-class syndrome, which matured in the spring.

INTENSIVE THERAPY – As the situation worsens, problems begin to arise for the intensive therapy, although the Region has ensured the availability of about a thousand places. Late november Alessandro Vergallo, president of the Italian anesthetists (Aaroi-Emac), was the first to accuse: “Veneto has inflated the figures, because it has 111 intensive care places of operations room, which differ from true intensive care. “Palermo also returns to the same concept:” The number of intensive care beds is doped“. And Dr. Benazzato explains that the problem refers to his usability: “If I have 540 intensive care places with personal calibrated in those numbers and already in December 2019 the regional council certified a shortage of 148 anesthetists, how can you think about fold the seats? There would be no doctors or nurses. Today we no longer know where to put the sick Montebelluna me Villafranca the situation is dramatic ”. The fact is that the number of available beds is one of the main indicators on which the classification of the Regions by the Ministry of Health is based.

PADS – One of the flagships of Zaia’s pandemic management has always been the massive use of tampons. According to the governor, the high number of rapids and molecular carried out by Veneto would be at the origin of the high number of positives discovered. But evidently the radical tests were not enough to reduce the spread of Covid. Doctor Benazzato di Anaao insists: “Zaia says we are there in tampons Ferrari, compared to other regions that are like 500? But the swabs are the tool to discover that we have a mountain of infected. Hospitals in some areas are close to the point of to break and with the last few meetings I’m afraid we’re going to celebrate Christmas with a bang of new hospitalizations and, nationwide, a few thousand deaths a day ”. Do not forget that the teacher Andrea Crisanti has always argued that quick swabs are useful only in certain contexts, preferring molecular ones for the diagnosis of Covid.

USCA – In spring, the Region had launched a plan for usca, Special continuing care units introduced by the government to help patients at home. Second Renato bressan, from the Spi CGIL secretariat of Veneto, the implementation is not paid to the schedule. “The plan foresees the activation of 97 Usca, one for every 50 thousand inhabitants, are only officially activated 51. So we found out that on the Ulss 9 Scaligera out of the 20 announced, 11 are officially activated, but only 5 actually work. In Belluno the expected Usca would be 4, but only two are really activated ”.

FAMILY NURSES – His figure refers to territorial interventions. The complaint continues to be from the CGIL: “Here too the data is alarming: in Marca Trevigiana, in view of the need for 122 units, there are only 30 nurses present in general practitioners, in Scaligera Ulss 29 of 128, in Euganea 56 of 127, in that Berica 19 of 69 and so on “.

RSA – Zaia also admitted that the institutions for the elderly are a detonated bomb: “Despite all the devices and protocols, with armored nursing homes and sweep tests for guests and operators, the situation is worsened: mortality is higher than in March. “The unionist Spi CGIL puts his finger in the wound Renato bressan: “There is no justification for the absence of news about the Covid non-self-sufficient positive elderly temporary assistance structures of nursing homes. Well, we cannot have any news about these structures, neither about their organization, nor about the nursing team, that the resolution of the regional council 782 of last June provides improved compared to standard residential structures. And for these activities the Region has had a lot 400 million euros by the Government “.

IRA ON THE LANE – The discomfort of the operators for months in the anti-Covid trenches is confirmed with the repetition of internal complaints. A Montebelluna doctors and nurses explained that instead of shoe covers Trash bags are used. A nurse from Borgo Trento in Verona complained that patients were allowed to die in hallways because there is no more space in intensive care. In Padua CGIL, CISL and UIL denounced the stress of the nurses, who were forced to “carry the diaper during work, as there is no time to undressing of protective devices go to the bathroom. “A position that aroused the ire of the personnel management who suspended the union meetings And it started an internal investigation.
