
“After a long night we see the sunrise again, but the morning is still far away.” Thus, in a somewhat prosaic way, the Minister of Health a few days ago Roberto Speranza He referred to next January in the sense that the fight against Covid is far from over. In fact, as he admits, since January 7th the Peninsula will return to the “colored zone system.” In other words, in 10 days the Italian Regions will have to take into account the different restrictions foreseen for the yellow, orange and red zones. In practice, the “battle” will resume where we left off on December 23, with the entry into force of the Christmas measures. Although with some differences.
In fact, before the holidays, the country was preparing to turn yellow in its entirety but now, obviously waiting for updated data that takes into account that little laxity caused by the celebrations and with the national RT in slow recovery, some Regions are risking. go back to orange. The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Iss) in fact, in its last report (the one relating to the week of December 14 to 20) highlighted how nine Regions should be considered as moderate or high risk. In particular, 5 of these (Liguria, Marche, Puglia, Umbria and Veneto) are classified as high risk and 12 a moderate risk, of which four (Emilia-Romagna, Molise, Autonomous Province of Trento and Valle d’Aosta) with a high probability of progressing to high risk in the next month if the current transmissibility remains unchanged. In practice, in the territories in question, the Rt index is too high. If in the new follow-up of the ISS, this weekend, it should continue to be like that and if the resilience of their health systems is still severely tested as it seems, these Regions are seriously at risk of being degraded in the orange zone.
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The case of Veneto
Given that the national RT is around 0.90 (again in the period that the ISS takes as a reference) while last week it was 0.86 and a fortnight ago at 0.82, there are territories that worry more than others. The most specific suspect in the downgrade is, for example, Veneto, which continues to register decidedly unfavorable figures. So much so that it was not only designated by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità as one of the 5 high-risk territories for its Rt index, but also in yesterday’s data it still registers 2,782 new cases. More than anyone in the Peninsula. While it is true that the trend has been going on for weeks and cannot be ignored, it is also true that, as stated by Governor Luca Zaia, this increase is also due to a greater number of tampons than the others. Even the data from the bulletin on the epidemic published yesterday attest that Veneto carries out an increasing number of molecular tests compared to almost all the other Regions (about 10,000 more than the previous 24 hours).
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So much so that the bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health showed a slight decrease in cases but only with a small number of tampons. Yesterday, in fact, the new positives were 8,585 with 68,681 swabs performed (compared to 59,879 on Sunday). On the other hand, deaths (445, for a total of 72,370 deaths since the start of the pandemic) and hospitalizations increased (+361, compared to 259 on Sunday). On the contrary, after the peak of 14.9% of the previous 24 hours, fortunately the positivity rate decreased (returning to 12.5%). On the other hand, intensive care admissions remain substantially stable, with an encouraging minus 15 being offset by the case of Puglia. In fact, of the 167 new entrants, 57 were registered in the Region that never managed to bring the income level within the safety thresholds established by the ministry: 30% from intensive care units and 40% from those in the medical area . A figure that, added to chronic suffering also recorded in infection monitoring and IAS evaluations, makes Puglia the second main suspect in an immediate return to the Orange Zone after January 7.
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Last updated: 22:59