Vendetta M5s on Nicola Morra: sad appendix of the States General


Around lunchtime, the situation takes an unexpected turn. Nicola Morra is in the storm, her words about the disappearance of Jole Santelli have caused a sensation and outrage. Matteo Salvini and the entire Lega bombard him, Forza Italia threatens to block the work of the Antimafia commission if he does not resign as president. Around lunchtime he is also repudiated by his own party: “Senator Nicola Morra’s statements about President Santelli, the citizens of Calabria and the cancer patients do not reflect the thinking of the M5, which distances itself from them. Citizens called to vote and express their preference do so based on their free and unquestionable opinion ”. It is the usual note signed by the “5 Stars Movement”, without names or references, produced who knows where and who knows who, without a doubt with the support of the political leader Vito Crimi, who with Morra has shared a militancy and a presence for eight years between the seats of the Palazzo Madama.

The Calabrian senator is disappointed and bitter: aware on the one hand that he has gone beyond what can be said, disheartened by attacks that in his opinion misinterpret and go beyond the words spoken. She unplugged the phone and gave her response to a video: “I apologize to the people, who felt betrayed, beaten, for words that were deliberately taken a little here, a little there, together, doing a job.” dirty to mend, to make understand what the undersigned never thought. “He also apologized to” many friends who wanted to misinterpret my words, “where the use of” dear “is not accidental.

Because throughout the day, reading the agencies of the 5-Star Movement parliamentarians was a trickle. The party among the most conspirators and corporate in the history of the Republic felt compelled for once to put all its indignation in the public square by an ugly and clumsy sentence, a bombing that perhaps it had not killed with such violence. not even in the head of Marcello De Vito recently arrested.

Beyond the merit of words, it is no mystery that Morra fought a battle as fierce as it was useless in the even more useless General States of the 5-Star Movement, almost ostracized by the side of recovering an original purity that now the world flooded. . 5 stars now rejects. “You see, they caught him and now they want to spin it around, they make a scandal to hit him with these words, to mark him for life and not make him more credible,” explains a senator friend of his, who even stigmatizes the sentence on Santelli: “We are Southerners, and no mention of the dead, period. “

Alessandro Di Battista intervenes in his own way in the matter, giving crooked and uncertain support to the president of the Antimafia without even naming him, but inviting his fellow party members to stay away from the “dung” that would represent Forza Italia. In Morra, a sad appendix of the General States is consumed, the party explodes with poisons, the merit of the words is mixed with the political opportunity to delegitimize an internal opponent without a continuity solution.

The group of his loyalists in the Senate read a political outline in the intervention of Davide Crippa, the leader of the group in the House who was the first to open the dance, followed by many companions. According to this reconstruction, Andrea Cottone would be behind the choice to initiate the statements in the battery, a historical man of the M5 communication, until August together with Alfonso Bonafede, for whose liberation during the first confinement Morra had fought hard for the Antimafia. .

The inappropriateness of the senator’s words is evident, the stigmatization understandable, but the political game that was started there for an internal reckoning is equally evident. Some pentastelado colonels have represented him the opportunity to resign from the presidency of the Antimafia, a suggestion to which the interested party has opposed a categorical denial. At least for now, because the permanent states general of the party that was the Movement are far from closed.
