Vatican, the new coins of Pope Francis? A hymn to migrants and ecology – Libero Quotidiano


Fausto Carioti

Between the adoration of the Blessed virgin mary and that of Mother Earth would be the distance that passes between Christianity and a pagan cult. But these are differences that are fading in the Church of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and so the mint of Vatican just minted a 10 euro silver coin that represents, instead of Madonnas, saints, Church fathers or Crucifixes, she, the personification of Fertility and the planet. “A mother who carries the earth in her womb, to whom we owe care and love as if she were a daughter, with long ears of wheat in her hair, in a cross between past and future that becomes timeless, therefore eternal”, explains the Vatican Numismatic Office, which now sells it at a price of 69 euros. Ears of wheat that are very reminiscent of rasta hair, that of reggae singers. Rasta from Rastafarianism, monotheistic religion originated in Ethiopia and spread in Jamaica, which claims to be born of King Solomon and preaches the use of marijuana as an instrument of spiritual elevation. And that only accentuates the feeling dystopian you have when you look at that embossed image next to the words “Vatican City.”

«Land fertile and fertile, fertile and fertile like a young woman. Land to be protected like a woman waiting for a new life. Land to be respected as a mother and her child ”, explains elegiac. Luigi Oldani, the Bergamo medalist who is the author. Not a word, from him or from the Vatican office that handles the matter, come on. Christ and his teachings, apparently implicit in the ecological creed. The occasion is also very secular, unrelated to any commemoration of the Christian calendar: the coin comes out because this year, on April 22, the fiftieth anniversary was celebrated. Earth day, Earth day. Less enthusiastic are the Catholics linked to the tradition, who for a few days exchanged images of that girl with the big belly in disbelief. They evoke the precedent of Pachamama, the Amazon deity that represents fertility, which is Mother Earth herself. Exactly one year ago, during the Synod for the Amazon, his statue was exhibited and worshiped by the indians (and not by others, hopefully) in the Vatican gardens, before being placed in the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina. There a young Austrian Catholic stole it along with his friends to throw it away Tiber, considering it blasphemous (with much ovation for him from the middle of christian web).

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In February of this year Bergoglio himself had to intervene, with his apostolic exhortation “Dear Amazonia”, to assure the bewildered faithful that “it is possible to receive in some way an indigenous symbol without necessarily qualifying it as idolatrousor. A myth full of spiritual meaning can be valued and not always considered a payment by mistake“It is assumed that similar reasoning should now be made for the fertility myth and the ecological pantheism transposed to the Vatican coin. In comparison, the other coin seems decidedly Orthodox, also the daughter of the new Bergoglian Church: it is issued for World Day of the Migrant and in a naive style it represents “Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, who welcomes, protects and supports all those who take refuge in the Church and question us.”

The Pope’s message is known, but the office Vatican Numismatist He takes the opportunity to reiterate: “The sacrifice of millions of men and women forced to flee or emigrate from their countries of origin occurs with so much suffering and such painful consequences that the pastoral care of church – an expert in humanity – cannot ignore herself. The Church asks and begs for help in favor of migrants and refugees ”. Made by the painter Marco Ventura, this piece of 5 euros in silver is on sale for 58 euros. And to know that the image of Saint Peter, the “stone” on which Christ built the Church, is worth less in the Vatican numismatic hierarchy today than Mother Earth, some additional thoughts give.
