Vatican, Pope: “You can not serve God and riches. Get the merchants out of the temple”


It is “necessary to rethink our relationship with money.” It starts like this French Pope in the audience that addressed the Committee of Experts of the Council of Europe (Moneyval) and thanked them for their service “to protect ‘clean finances, in which’ merchants’ cannot speculate in that sacred temple that is humanity, according to the Creator’s plan of love. ”And then the Pontiff stressed that“ in certain cases it seems that the predominance of money over man has been accepted. Sometimes, to accumulate wealth, no attention is paid to its origin, the more or less legitimate activities that originated it and the logic of exploitation that may be subjected to it. Thus, it happens that in some areas money is touched and hands are dirty with blood, with the blood of brothers. Or, again – he added – it may happen that economic resources are allocated to terror, to affirm the hegemony of the strongest, the most arrogant, of those who unscrupulously sacrifice the life of their brother to assert their power.



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Still. Pope Francis focused on anti-money laundering and terrorism policies that constitute “a tool to monitor financial flows, allowing us to intervene where such irregular or even criminal activities arise. Jesus expelled the merchants from the temple,” said the Dad. Francis at the Moneyval hearing, and taught that you cannot serve God and wealth. In fact, when the economy loses its human face, money is not used, but money. of the idolatry against which we are called to react, proposing the rational order of things that leads to the common good, according to which money should serve and not govern ”.



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The Social Magisterium of the Church, later declared the Pontiff, “underlined the error of the neoliberal ‘dogma’ according to which the economic order and the moral order are so disparate and alien to each other, that the former would in no way depend on the latter. “. And quoting the Bible, he added: “We see that the cult of the ancient golden calf has found a new and ruthless version in the fetish of money and in the dictatorship of a faceless economy without a truly human purpose.” In fact, he reiterated by citing his encyclical All brothers “Financial speculation with easy money as its fundamental objective continues to be a success.”

And then: do not invest in fear, the nuclear, chemical and biological threat. But it is investing “to finally end hunger and for the development of the poorest countries.” The Pope says: “Saint Paul VI proposed that, with the money used in arms and other military expenses, a world fund be established to help the most deprived,” he said, recalling the Village development. “I collected this proposal in the Encyclical All brothers, asking that, instead of investing in fear, in the nuclear, chemical or biological threat, these resources are used to finally eliminate hunger and for the development of the poorest countries, so that their inhabitants do not resort to violent acts or deceptive and are not forced to leave their countries in search of a more dignified life.
