Varazze, Covid insinuates itself in the protected residence “Santa Caterina”: guests and staff infected


Varazze. Late in the morning of last Saturday, an elderly man, a guest at the PR “Santa Caterina” in Varazze, was admitted to the San Paolo hospital for a certain vascular disease. In a later investigation he tested positive for the swab. Although the CT scan resulted in a bilateral viral pneumonia, undetected by radiography and asymptomatic, the patient is currently stable and not in resuscitation.

“However, already on Sunday at the Santa Caterina Protected Residence in Varazze, – explains the medical director Dr. Giovanni Pellegrinelli, – the security protocols were activated with a complete review for staff and guests.”

Both the ASL and the public relations department itself, in close contact since last Sunday, have prepared the hyssop test, the results of which were released mostly only late Thursday afternoon.

“These data – explains Dr. Pellegrinelli – are compatible with the new reality that is taking place after the summer. The impossibility of rigorously applying the precautions that have always been recommended, has favored a circulation of the virus of such magnitude that the real number of people who have come into contact with the pathogen is certainly not the one and a half million expected but, as a time he claimed Professor Bassetti, at least ten million. “

“In fact, the hosts of the structure, although they are elderly and suffer from various diseases, are currently completely asymptomatic. In these conditions it is impossible to defend even the structures that in the first phase knew how to handle the epidemic in an excellent way from contagion, a little because of the maximum efficiency of the operators but also because of the scarce circulation of people who were able to enter the interior ”. .

“The results showed that these are positive cases. However, the medical director continues, they are all asymptomatic cases and in a state of health not altered by the positivity of the coronavirus. The structure, in turn, will perform rapid smears for better monitoring of the evolution of the disease while waiting for the second round of tests, charged to the ASL, scheduled ten days after which the report of exceeded positivity may appear. and therefore of regression of the virus “.

In the meantime, as required by the protocols, the Protected Residence has decided to reinforce the security devices blocking the entry of people and external visitors.

“Unfortunately, despite the management’s desire to limit access, an element that certainly represents an important vector for the spread of infections, only in recent days has the Government’s Dpcm allowed structures in general to extend security measures anti-contagion “, concludes Pellegrinelli.
