Valle d’Aosta, the most infected region in Italy. Head of the working group: “Apart from skiing. With these numbers, a total blockade cannot be ruled out”


The Aosta Valley is the region more infected Italy, in which the coronavirus circulates with greater strength compared to the rest of the country. There is only one hospital available, the Parini of Aosta. At the moment the prefab, announced in July, that was supposed to house other Covid patients does not exist yet. “If the measures imposed by the government do not effects In three or four weeks I have already told our politicians that we will be forced to apply stricter measures, without ruling out a total lockIs the harsh prediction of Luca montagnani, health coordinator of the working group on the Covid emergency in Valle d’Aosta. Many experts also hypothesize worst-case scenarios, based on worrying figures: with 575 positives per 100,000 inhabitants, in Valle d’Aosta the incidence of infected in the population is higher from Italy. As well as the number of hospitalizations (59.7 per 100,000 inhabitants) and deceased in seven days (6.3 per 100,000 inhabitants), according to data from the Ministry of Health as of October 26, reviewed by Paolo spada, vascular surgeon inHumanitas Research Hospital from Milan. However, the hypothesis of more restrictive measures has triggered the go to of hoteliers, already concerned about the postponement of the ski season provided by the last Dpcm signed by the prime minister Giuseppe Conte. The new Health Councilor of Valle d’Aosta, Roberto Barmasse, Are you considering softer alternatives: “More specific data on the social life of the inhabitants are being examined to prepare restrictive interventions in the next 24/48 hours managed, as an example local curfews to prevent people from gathering in taverns ”.

The reason for such a violent contagion, Montagnani explains, “is due to the strong community life of the inhabitants. Each house traditionally has a tavernetta where we meet friends and family. And the moments of meeting in small towns are very frequent, from bars to grocery stores. “The data provided by Gimbe Foundation (see graph) show that Valle d’Aosta is the region with the incidence per 100 thousand inhabitants higher of the last 2 weeks (October 13-27) in Italy and that in the last week (October 20-27) also had a high percentage increase of the cases. The economic fabric tightens to reopen ski resorts – after photos of long tails and of crowds in Cableway for the first day of the season in Cervinia, once the government’s Dpcm expires. “If the contagion curve continues to increase at this rate, we will necessarily have to keep the ski resorts closed,” is Montagnani’s stark prediction. “With a only hospital In the entire region we will not be able to treat Covid patients or the people of Valle d’Aosta or less tourists, who after falling on skis runs the risk of ending up in the emergency room with a head injury ”, adds the doctor, who directs the Resuscitation from the only hospital, the Parini in Aosta.

The former Health Councilor of Valle d’Aosta, Mauro Baccega, had anticipated a that the facility planned to house other Covid patients would only be completed to spring. His successor Barmasse, former director of the Surgery for Parini, he is more optimistic: “If we do not have bureaucratic obstacles, we plan to create the first floor for therapy subintensive in December, while the second, with intensive care beds, between January and February“Another problem, which is not negligible, is the shortage of health personnel, which in any case refers to the whole of Italy. “We can also build new structures – sighs Barmasse – but then we will have to understand come me dove find doctors and nurses to do it. “

At the moment there are few Covid patients admitted to the Parini hospital over 80. “In intensive care before Covid we had ten beds in total, today we can have them up to 20 for those who have contracted the virus and another ten for other pathologies ”, Montagnani updates. “In addition to resuscitation, there are now five departments fully converted for patients with Covid – adds the regional secretary Anaao Riccardo brachet – Ordinary activity is reduced to a blink of an eye, we run the risk that in a short time the whole hospital become a Covid Center“. Councilor Barmasse has already reached an agreement with the private clinic Isav credited Saint Peter For others 35 seats. “But it is not enough – he declares – and we are looking for other solutions in micro-communities for the elderly. Meanwhile, it is certain that one of them will be managed directly by the regional health company to ensure 35 more beds ”. Then there is the chapter on Dry (the units of continuity of special assistance to assist Covid patients at home provided by the Ministry of Health). “They are few, only three. We will now take a resolution to duplicate this – concludes Bramasse – We are also studying proposed guidelines for ski safely to be presented at the State-Regions Conference “.

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