Valerio Massimo Manfredi found unconscious at home-


The writer and historian Valerio Massimo Manfredi, 77 years old, They found him lifeless in an apartment on via dei Vascellari in Rome, in the heart of Trastevere.

Manfredi, the author of dozens of historical bestsellers, was with a woman, who was also found unconscious. To ask for help was Manfredi’s daughter, who was unable to contact her father. The two were rescued by 118.

Both were taken to the hospital, San Camillo and Umberto I, in code red and are in serious condition. Manfredi, in a coma from intoxication, was transferred to Grosseto to be hospitalized in a hyperbaric chamber. The most likely hypothesis is intoxication by carbon monoxide.

At the scene, according to initial reports, there are police and firefighters who are verifying where the leak may have come from: the monoxide is assumed to have originated in a boiler. Forensic findings are awaited while they arrive at the apartment.

Rescue teams secured the apartment in question and the building. It is not clear where the loss of monoxide began: the gas saturated the entire building within a few hours.

The race between archeology and bestseller

Archaeologist specializing in ancient topography, Valerio Massimo Manfredi has taught at Italian and foreign universities and has carried out expeditions and excavations at various sites in the Mediterranean, publishing articles and academic essays.

The great success of the public came with historical and adventure novels dedicated to characters and events from ancient times, such as the trilogy. Alexandros published in thirty-nine languages ​​around the world, it tells the life of the great Macedonian leader also using legends and narratives drawn from historians of the time. Or as Chimaira, the last legion, from which the film produced by Dino De Laurentiis is based, The empire of dragons, the tyrant.

The latest novel, fresh from Mondadori, Fourty days It starts from the death of Jesus and imagines the following days, from the Resurrection to the Ascension: the first 40 days of Christianity.

Article updating …

Feb 11, 2021 (change Feb 11, 2021 | 20:07)

