Val d’Aosta launches an anti-Dpcm law: it is a clash with the government


shops and sports

The Regional Council has approved a law that claims the autonomy of state powers in the management of the health emergency due to coronavirus

by M.Se.

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The Regional Council has approved a law that claims the autonomy of state powers in the management of the health emergency due to coronavirus

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After the confirmation of Valle d’Aosta in the red zone (but the region is about to move to the orange zone) and the Conte government’s failure to open skiing at Christmas, it is an open battle between Rome and Aosta, where the Regional Council has approved a law that claims the autonomy of state powers in the management of the health emergency due to coronavirus. Banner that the Seal Keeper Alfonso Bonafede asks to challenge.

Poisonous letter exchange between Rome and Aosta

It is the latest act in a tug of war that also saw a heated exchange of letters: Regional Affairs Minister Francesco Boccia invited Region President Erik Lavevaz to revoke the ordinance that reopened retail, despite of the red zone. The answer was no; in fact Lavevaz has been relaunched with the intention of defying the last order of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. Minister Boccia accuses: “The statements of President Lavevaz of the Valle d’Aosta Region undermine the loyal collaboration that has characterized the arduous and exhausting work and health security in recent months.


The political confrontation

The result of the vote in the regional council also colored the institutional conflict with a political tinge. Regarding the law, approved with 28 votes in favor and seven abstentions, the center-left regional majority was divided, outside the elections of last September: the autonomists (Alliance Valdotaine, Stella Alpina, Union Valdotaine and Vallée d’Aoste Unie) they voted in favor with the League, while the progressives, with the Democratic Party, abstained.

Shops and sports: what the regional law provides

The approved norm regulates the “freedom of movement of citizens, economic activities and social relations, compatible with the measures to combat the spread of the virus”. It foresees that the Region intervene, among other things, in the “commercial business openings” and in the “practice of sports activity”, in a similar way to what the Province of Bolzano did last spring. It allows the holding of acts and demonstrations if “so provided by an ordinance of the President of the Region” and also ecclesiastical or religious acts. A support and coordination unit was then established for the Covid-19 emergency. “This law is important not only because of the powers of the Region, but because it has its own breadth and weight from a political point of view with respect to the Government of Rome”, explains President Lavevaz. “I do not know if it is due to ignorance of the mountain or more simply due to different sensitivities of the components of the Government – he continues – but I must say that one thing that I have clearly seen is the difficulty of making the Government understand the legitimate needs of the Government. mountain: the impression is that the mountain is seen as a playground of the big cities, which we well know is not like that ”.

Minister Boccia rejects the accusations

Minister Boccia is not there and rejects the accusations of having forgotten the Alpine region: “In recent months, more than 80 health workers have arrived in Aosta. In recent weeks we have decided to place additional resources in the availability of the Regions to give relief to penalized activities, with a fund that the president of the VDA is probably unaware of because there are no public interventions of his at the institutional level ”.
