In practice, the seats equivalent to 36.5 percent of the current ones are in scissors. The places for candidates abroad drop from 18 to 12, there may be a maximum of five senators for life. The minimum threshold of senators for each region is reduced from seven to 3. The reform would take effect from the next political elections.
The constitutional law is subject to a referendum because in one of the last two readings (that of the Senate) it was not approved with the necessary majority of two thirds of the members. Seventy-one senators, belonging to almost all the parliamentary groups, were thus able to request and obtain, according to the provisions of the Charter, the referendum. Which does not require a quorum of participants to be valid. Ultimately, whoever has one more vote will win. Those who want to approve the cut must vote Yes, those who intend to reject it must choose No.
Why vote Yes
Defenders of constitutional reform put forward a number of reasons ranging from reduction of policy costs (500 million to the legislature the estimate of the 5 stars) to the consideration that a A more agile parliament will also be more efficient and functional. The Yes committees indicate that a number of 600 parliamentarians coincides with that of the other large European democracies. The current parliamentary consistency, is the thesis of the supporters of the reform, it is also anachronistic: it was established in 1963 when it is still there were no 800 regional councilors and the european parliament chosen directly. Reduce the number of elected officials, according to supporters of Yes, It Pays political life is more transparent and understandable. This is because, with a smaller and more controllable number of representatives, citizens’ judgment of them should be easier. Those who ask for support for the Yes position believe that this law is the first step towards a reform season that cannot be postponed: starting with the electoral one.
Why vote No
Cutting seats would increase the number of inhabitants for each parliamentarian: as a consequence, the distance between the population and its representatives would increase. Supporters of No also see a danger to democracy with respect to territorial representationas the number of eligible senators in the regions would be reduced. Some of them, such as Umbria and Basilicata, would suffer a 57 percent cut in seats. The feared risk is that in some regions representatives of a single coalition could be elected. It is feared that the majority is “armored” in parliament. Fewer deputies and senators mean greater power for party leaders and less chance of confrontation (and dissent) within parliamentary groups which will be smaller. Those who vote for No argue that a cut in the number of parliamentarians alone, not accompanied by reforms and amendments to the regulation, does nothing more than paralyze the activity of parliament and that the productivity of each deputy or senator will be undermined by the fact that the work of the committees will be distributed to fewer people. The No front described the reform as demagogic and populist, and the accusation of leveraging widespread anti-political sentiment among the people. Savings concerns: “0.007 percent of public spending.”
How the parties line up
M5S votes Yes
The grillini are the main supporters of the reform. Former political leader Di Maio toured Italy inviting Sí. The main arguments include stopping waste and economic advantage. Even among the 5 Stelle there is still a small frond of MPs for the No (among them Mara Lapia, Andrea Colletti, Elisa Siragusa me Andrea Vallascas).
The Democratic Party votes Yes
It is the line of national leadership. Gypsies it does so after obtaining assurances that the Allies will support other “corrective” laws. But many members of the party, starting with pioneers like Prodi me Veltroni, Arturo Parisi, Rosy bindi – as well as parliamentarians in functions such as Laura Boldrini me Matteo orfini – lined up for No.
The League votes Yes
Salvini declared this position for “consistency” with respect to the votes cast in the classroom, but added that “he will not draw his eyes” to those who express themselves in a contrary way. Weight names like Giancarlo Giorgetti, Claudio Borghi, Gian Marco Centinaio I am in favor of No.
Fi: freedom of conscience
Silvio Berlusconi he did not express an official position but harshly criticized the reform. Most of Fi’s exponents are for No. The first to break the front was Renato Brunetta. And among the promoters of the referendum, is the fan Andrea Cangini.
Brothers from Italy vote Yes
Giorgia Meloni said he was aware that “a possible success of No could put the majority in difficulties” but Fratelli d’Italia, in the center-right, is the party that has registered the least cracks on the Yes front (Guido Crosetto is an exception).
Italia Viva: freedom of conscience
Matteo renzi welcomed the reform in a lukewarm way, saying that it is “a tribute to demagoguery: without the single chamber, nothing changes” (among the explicit No Luigi marattin and of Roberto Giachetti).
+ Europe and share vote No
Be Emma bonino that Carlo Calenda they made their voice heard against the cut. For the radical leader it is a “mutilation of the constitution”, for the former minister the “true caste are those who reach parliament without competition”.