December 27th vaccination campaign against coronavirus in all Europe after the Pfizer candidate received the green light from the European Medicines Agency (EMA), but To who me dove they will be delivered the first doses of vaccine in Italy?
With the approaching of the fateful date, the details that will mark the mass vaccination in our country, contained in the vaccination plan illustrated by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, begin to take shape with greater precision.
Vaccino Italia, where and to whom will the first doses go?
The administration of vaccine distribution It will be entrusted entirely to Brussels, which will send the doses according to the health situation of the different Member States. In Italy will be delivered during the first shipment 9,750 doses of Pfizer, which will then be divided among the different Regions. Then a new expedition will follow, during the first days of January, of 1 million and 874 thousand doses, also from Pfizer, which have already been distributed among the Regions according to the subjects predisposed to be vaccinated first, and after another 3 weeks more will arrive 2.5 million doses.
Basically then, on December 24, the vaccine doses They will leave Belgium, and will arrive atSpallanzani Hospital in Rome, the center designated as the national classification point, to then reach the individual Regions. The vaccine will be transported inside a Cryo-box, that is, bags that allow the maintenance of a temperature between 2 and 8 degrees. On December 26, the Esercitò will take the Spallanzani bags and distribute them in 20 identified management points in each region, to then begin the administration on December 27.
The different Regions are already calling the first people who will receive the vaccine immediately after Christmas. The first dose, according to some rumors, will be administered to a Spallanzani nurse, and the first phase of vaccination involves the inoculation of the ai vaccine Health workers and to the guests and staff of the Rsa, nursing homes, in total about 1.9 million people. Then they will continue on second stage, scheduled between April and June, people over 60 years of age, people with severe comorbidities, immunodeficiency and / or frailty of all ages, teachers and school personnel and people considered at risk.
During the third stage, with which you must reach the vaccination of 50% of the populationAccording to the schedule, the rest of the school personnel, essential workers at risk, people in prisons and community places, and people with other moderate pathologies of all ages will be immunized. L ‘last stagefinally, between October and December, it provides for the administration of the vaccine to the rest of the people. However, the timetable remains provisional, as it will be influenced by the authorizations of the various regulatory agencies.
Where will the vaccine be administered?
The vaccines will be administered in 287 centers located from north to south of the boot, located mainly within hospitals and local health authorities, given the need to store the Pfizer vaccine at a temperature of -70 degrees. Within these centers, doctors and nurses will be vaccinated and vehicles will be sent to deliver the doses to the different RSAs.
At first, vaccines will be managed by healthcare personnel From the various hospitals, when the actual mass vaccination begins, doctors, nurses and administrators will be hired on time. The commissioner for the emergency Domenico Arcuri has already prepared the announcement to which the necessary 15,000 people have already submitted.