Vaccini Toscana covid, reservations begin for those born until ’51. Upgrades


Florence, March 29, 2021 – Covid vaccine stocks are booming Tuscany. On the morning of Monday, March 29, the reservations began for those who, despite not having an appointment, can enter the banks and give the availability to be vaccinated in about twenty minutes after they are called. In one hour, more than 100 ‘reservations have been booked on the vaccination portal. from the Tuscany region.

Tuscany’s vaccination plan

Homemade vaccines for extremely vulnerable people

Fragile vaccine stocks in Tuscany, an odyssey for many

In Tuscany, open vaccines for those born until 1951

Vaccines for those born up to 1951 are already open on the Tuscan vaccination portal. As has already happened for other categories, the reserves will continue until the available supply is exhausted. The vaccine is that of AstraZeneca. Once the doses are exhausted, those born until 1951 can be reserved as a reserve.

Covid vaccine also in pharmacies, signed agreement

The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, has signed the management agreement vaccines also in pharmacies throughout Italy. It will be all the pharmacies that will join. READ THE ARTICLE

Vaccine center in the Livorno building

This morning the new mass vaccination center against Covid was inaugurated at the Modigliani Forum in Livorno. The structure, which represents the largest reference site for the coastal area, with an organization parallel to that established in Florence in Mandela forum, today it will ensure the first 548 vaccinations, but in the coming days, in consideration of the arrival of the vaccines, it will make available ten lines of vaccines, for a potential production of 1000 vaccines per day. At full capacity, up to 1600 vaccines can be administered per day thanks to the 16 vaccine lines installed in so many separate boxes. The inauguration was attended by the president of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani, general director of the Usl Company of the Northwest of Tuscany Maria Letizia Casani, the prefect Paolo D’Attilio and the mayor of Livorno Luca salvetti.


Vaccine center opens in Carrara

The President of Tuscany Eugenio Giani this morning inaugurated a center for the administration of vaccines to the population of the Apuana area, within the fairgrounds of Carrara Marina (Massa Carrara). At full capacity, the facility will administer 1,400 doses per day at 14 stations, but they will be operational for now only 10 for a production potential of 1,000 vaccines per day. The vaccination of these first days will include the use of the AstraZeneca doses, but as of March 31, the second doses will also be delivered. by Pfizer and Moderna (for those who have obviously already received the first one). «This structure together with that of Livorno – highlights President Giani – It is the most consistent for our coastal area and is the most suitable for this function. Then the great mass vaccination will begin, according to our forecasts, in mid-April, with the arrival of the vaccine doses. Johnson and Johnson».


Who can book as a reservation

At the moment, says the Region, it is possible to give availability as reservists only in the category of newborns. from 1941 to 1945, but as soon as the arrival of the Astrazeneca doses expected for this week is confirmed, the categories of school and police personnel will also be reopened. To register as a reservist, you must enter the portal, click on in the category to which they belong and enter the required personal data. In the next step, the system indicates the hubs with places available, and those that are not in stock. In the latter it is possible to click on the ‘book’ button.

Tuscany, through the reserve as reserves

How to book

At that moment, the message “if you press the accept button, we will register your wish to be contacted by phone and reach the vaccination point of your choice within a maximum period of 30 minutes from the phone call. This availability of yours does not precede any right to vaccination and does not exclude its possible subsequent reservation in this portal“After accepting you will receive a confirmation sms and in case of availability of doses at the end of the day you will be contacted by phone.

Reservations are open to those born in 1945.

“GSK is at the service of production”

«Gsk Vaccini, based in Tuscany, in Siena and Rosia has an extraordinary industrial potential in the field of vaccines and, despite this, to date, this potential is not put at the service of the fight against Covid-19 – writes the national secretary of the left Italian Nicola Fratoianni -. On March 16, a delegation from the RSU Filctem-Cgil of the Gsk Vaccini, together with the secretary general of the Chamber of Labor of Siena met with the prefect of Siena to illustrate the industrial potential in the field of vaccines that the plant could put at the service of the fight against the pandemic. We want to know from the government if it intends to open immediately. an interministerial table so that the possibility of involving Gsk in the production of Vaccines for COVID-19, having the same, even in the opinion of the unions, all the potential to do so and thus invest in a strategic asset for the Italian industry of the future.

180 thousand doses of Pfizer vaccine for Tuscany

“I have had peace of mind since General Figliuolo that will arrive for tonight and the first of the 80 thousand doses of Pfizer expected – says the president of the Region Eugenio Giani -. This will be the first important week of vaccine delivery, and I thank General Figliuolo for the importance he has attached to this work of synergy between the vaccination commission and the Tuscany region. This week in Tuscany, if the deliveries of vaccines that we expect are confirmed, more than 160,000 vaccinations will be carried out ”.

The Codacons against the Region

The Codacons, with note, announce that today they will present a complaint to the Florence prosecutor’s office request the opening of an investigation into the work of the Tuscany Region for the possible case of abuse of official acts in relation to the anti-Covid vaccination campaign. In addition, it will “collect pre-accessions to a class action for damages to the study of the association on behalf of the more than 80 residents in Tuscany who have not yet received the vaccine, an action that will ask the Region to pay compensation for the risks to the health of the most fragile population.
