Vaccini, General Figliuolo: “Discarded doses? First who has priority, otherwise who passes”


Now that the government asks the country for an additional effort, with the new restrictions in force from March 15 to April 6, there is no longer room for delay or indecision: the priority is to vaccinate as many people as possible in the shortest possible time. This is the message launched by the extraordinary commissioner for the coronavirus emergency, General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, in an interview with What’s the weather like its Rai3.

“We have to accelerate, a September we have to get to80% of Italians vaccinated. We need to change the rhythm, more vaccines and more vaccinators ”. This is the mantra repeated by the general who is later defined as the “tip” of a team that, however, must work to the maximum to obtain the desired results: “Time for the tipping point or we will lose it all, Italians must be extraordinary – he said, asking for collaboration in the days of the toughest measures – In March we will warm up, then from the second ten days of April there will be gradually 500 thousand vaccines a day. Some regions now reach 100-150 thousand, others do not. My task will be to bring balance to other regions as well and I will go in person to see ”.

A point that he himself wants to deepen and on which he promises firmness is that of wasted dose: “I want to investigate the question of the discarded doses – he said – We must use common sense. If there are priority classes they can use it fine, otherwise it goes up neighboring classes in another way everyone who passes must be vaccinated, this must be done. “And in this sense he emphasizes that the problem of carer of people with disabilities “has been received and parents, guardians and caregivers, caregivers to put it in Italian, or those who care for these people, must be vaccinated. It would be criminal not to. “

The important thing, however, is that the vaccines arrive, so that the machine set up for the administration can increase its revolutions: “Everything lies in the arrival of the vaccines, then we will go to a (massive) campaign. Now the plan is timed by age, when the mass vaccines arrive it will be possible make a fire with all the powders. We will saturate all the sites, we will go to get vaccinated and we will close the game“. General Figliuolo also offers forecasts in this regard:” At the end of the month we will reach 15 million doses of vaccines, in the next quarter we will have 52 million, in the third 84 million doses – he explains – There was a strong action by the president Draghi At the top of the pharmaceutical companies, at my level I have listened to almost every CEO. Will start to arrive in April Johnson and Johnson, a single-dose vaccine, with about 25 million doses in the second quarter, which is like having 50 million ”.

Then he launches an appeal to citizens: “I ask you to love all those who are giving everything, doctors, nurses, health social workers involved in this organization. If there are stains we will improve, we will do everything. I am sure that our people will do their part, in difficult times they have always done so, we will be able to overcome this challenge and eradicate this terrible virus. “
