BOLOGNA – From Emilia-Romagna comes a resounding “no” to the idea of a single address to reserve vaccines, also relying on the portal of the post office. The regional health advisor Raffaele Donini It is clear: “The reservation system we have is efficient, generalized, structured and is responding in the best way. We are not ignoring any type of proposal but today the situation is under control.” Licia Petropulacos, director general of the council, former member of the CTS, adds: “If we changed the software today, we would force all the people who are getting vaccinated very well to learn a different tool. To be fair, you cannot change everything in between. of the vaccination campaign, from a managerial point of view it would be irresonible. We should stop the machine for a month. Poste came to present his software to us, “he adds, but the conversation took place with” people not specifically trained for the type of product that they were implementing. We have a product that works. “
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Panchinari, but not the first to pass
“We must not waste doses,” explains Donini, during a press conference to explain the progress of the epidemic and the vaccination campaign. “We have established a system of ‘reservists’, who receive the remaining doses and who can arrive at the vaccination center” no more than an hour earlier than expected. “Do not agglutinate, do not arrive spontaneously at the centers, the reservists are those who are within the reserve objectives – that is, more than 80, more than 75, health professionals who have not yet been able to vaccinate – not those who pass”.
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The expected doses. AstraZeneca, few dropouts
“In April we should wait 600 thousand doses total vaccine “, continues Donini. This week, however, they are expected 95,000 doses of Pfizer, 30,000 of Moderna, 19,000 of AstraZeneca, 145,000 total. On the Oxford vaccine, “I remember there are still two seized lots left. We have 40 thousand doses as a dowry.” Speaking of AstraZeneca, aside from a 10% spike on the day of the reboot, the cancelled of the appointments travel about 4% per day, explained the director of the Department of Health Licia Petropulacos.
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Anticipating those over 80
As for those over 80 years of age, Donini continues, “we ask the local health authorities to act to anticipate the reservations of those who have already booked and which, when they did, lasted until the end of April or the beginning of May. We want to vaccinate this population in mid-April. We requested and obtained a commitment from the Local Health Authorities to attend to the most vulnerable people with serious diseases ”. Those over 80 do not have to go back to the pharmacy: the local health authorities will contact them to possibly anticipate the appointment.
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First the fragile
“For us – says the Councilor for Health – the defense of the most vulnerable population is a priority: those over 80, those suffering from serious diseases, those over 75”. The Region’s policy is to start “not with those who are at risk of infection, but with those who, if infected, could have devastating clinical repercussions.” Then there are other “target” categories like school, half vaccinated with family doctors, university students, law enforcement agencies, civil protection. To date “we have administered 88% of the delivered doses. 10% have completed the cycle” (first and second doses).
Fewer infections, crowded hospitals
Today, the new infections are 1,578 out of 20,994 swabs. The deceased are 57 years old, five more admissions to intensive care. “The contagion curve is stabilizing, at quite high levels – continues Donini -. Last Friday’s RT was 1.18, from the data we have today we travel around 1. The speed is slowing down. The incidence is also decreasing for 100,000 inhabitants: in a weekly it is 298.71, a decrease of 129.03 in a week. It is still a high value. “However,” the same does not happen in hospitalizations. The threshold is much higher than the on-call levels. ”In fact, resuscitation hospitalizations represent 51.3% of Covid places (the limit would be 30), while the places occupied in the other rooms are full. 57% (limit 40).
Cases collapse in the hospital
The contagion among health workers collapses: today, of 20 thousand people who have Covid, there are 172 infected workers, 0.9% of the cases. In the week of December 14 to 20, of 10 thousand cases, the positives were 733, 7.2%. Donini also says that nursing home deaths have “dropped to zero.”