As other personalities such as American philanthropist Bill Gates have announced, it will still be some time before the world’s population can finally leave the coronavirus behind: the key to success is vaccines. The expert in the service of the White House is also convinced of this Anthony Fauci who, in an interview with “Repubblica”, explains where we are in the fight against the virus and when we can have a normal life again.
“I have no doubt: we will make it. And we will do it thanks to a combination of vaccinations safe, effective and adequate health policies“says the famous virologist, who nevertheless affirms that it will take some time.”It depends on numerous factors. First, the vaccine and its efficacy: we will have it quickly and it will be distributed in the course of 2021. So: if people continue to behave appropriately and get vaccinated, we will start to be out of it within a year. Perhaps not in the whole world: this cannot happen for four years. But yeah, we’ll be out of it“Fauci continues.
The thought of the journalist of “Republic“So run to Christmas. Maybe this year we couldn’t celebrate as usual and we should make some sacrifices in the name of public health, but in 2021 everything could return to normal. Fauci is prudent:”Many vaccines are being tested around the world. And the fact that they are proving to be effective in inducing immune reactions allows me to be cautiously optimistic. Eventually, there will be a safe and effective one. So yeah: I hope by Christmas 2021 we can get back to some form of normalcy“.
In short, wait for the right vaccine to arrive, even if the virologist excludes that there will ever be one. protection complete: “There are many vaccines that protect 95 to 97%, such as measles, which is one of the most effective. I doubt that we will ever be able to develop such an effective vaccine against Covid-19. I hope so, but I would be satisfied if we had a vaccine that is 70-75% more or less effective. It won’t protect everyone, but it will protect the majority. And so the virus will not have a chance to spread. That will be fine“.
In the end, the same rules always apply. Use the mask in those spaces where it is not possible to guarantee spacing, avoid gatherings, always make sure to be careful hygiene hands. Fauci reflects on the difficulty of convincing citizens to use protective equipment: “The libertarian spirit that animates America makes people apprehensive of an obligation. We must convince citizens that it is important to do so. And it is, all over the world“.
As for Italy, which has been very affected, the virologist advises to be careful, especially because of what is happening in Spain and France. Recovery should be gradual, including with regard to the reopening of schools. “We need to test more. There are several types of tests. One of them determines, with some degree of precision, whether a person has been infected and is a very accurate test useful for contact tracing. There is another that can be done in many people, at low cost; does not have to be extremely accurate, but can be used to test all students for breakouts“explains Fauci. And, while waiting for the vaccine to arrive, experimentation in medicines. The virologist explains that at the moment there are two very promising, of which one in particular manages to reduce healing times.