«Vaccines, supply according to needs» Region: pharmacies will be supplied


“The vaccine supply is consistent with needs and is likely to be superior to actual vaccination”. This was stated by the director general of the Department of Social Welfare of the Lombardy Region, Marco Trivelli, and also explained that “there is space to be able to sub-assume pharmacies to allow the non-target population to be vaccinated voluntarily.”

For Trivelli “the difficulty is not in the supplies” but in “trying to double the number of vaccines in a few weeks” compared to previous years.

The statements at the presentation of the vaccination campaign against influenza in the Lombardy Region. The plan was illustrated by the councilor for wellness Giulio Gallera, the general director of the councilor Marco Trivelli and the professor Fabrizio Pregliasco, virologist, researcher at the University of Milan and health director of the Irccs Galeazzi Institute in Milan.
Listen and watch the conference here

Vaccinations in Lombardy will begin on October 19. “I already bought 2,884,000 doses, compared to a maximum recommended need of 2,768,000” Trivelli continues. The delivery of the doses is planned in two phases: October and November. Approximately 800,000 will be delivered in October and the remaining 2.1 million will be available in November

The administration of the vaccines will initially be free for frail patients and pregnant women. In November, it will be the turn of the over 65s and will be followed by health workers and children up to the sixth year, finally it will also be promoted among healthy over 60s.

Flu vaccines are provided:

by the GPs participating in the campaign: in this case it is advisable to consult the terms of the offer with your GP;
at ASST vaccination centers;
in dedicated places, identified by the ASST also with the collaboration of the Municipalities.

“This year it will be even more important to previously agree with your doctor or the ASST of reference and respect the procedures and schedules of the reservation, in order to ensure compliance with the rules of distancing and avoid the formation of gatherings,” they explain from the Region.

In addition, this year the vaccination offer will continue throughout the flu season and, in a manner compatible with the exhaustion of the free offer to risk categories, the vaccination centers will also open the possibility of vaccination co-payment ”.

The vaccination campaigns in the different territories are coordinated by the relevant ATS and, together with their launch, all the information on the time, methods and places of delivery of the vaccines will be updated and will be available on the websites of each ATS.

At the press conference Trivelli stressed that “not all the target population is really available to be vaccinated. Last year, in fact, effective coverage was only 48%, thus well below the ministerial goal of 75%. “The real problem – added Trivelli – is being able to administer the 2.9 million doses within the next 4/5 weeks safely, within the framework of Covid, trying to reach all vulnerable groups in the hope of reaching the threshold of 60% of the population covered “.

Responding to one of the journalists’ questions, the director Trivelli specified that “there is a perception of the start of vaccines as if it were a competition between the Region that moves first, while the objective should be to finish the month of April by doing the so that the coverage is as wide as possible. More or less a day does not make a difference. “

“There are studies – explained Professor Pregliasco – according to which vaccination against influenza seems to protect better than Covid. An advantage that I believe our fellow Lombard citizens can take advantage of. The low availability of the flu vaccine, added the virologist, is a global phenomenon. However, it is possible that, depending on the progress of the vaccination campaign, there are elements that allow citizens to acquire the vaccine ”.

The communication poster of the Lombardy Region on the flu vaccine

The communication poster of the Lombardy Region on the flu vaccine

Who are the risk subjects for whom the free vaccination is intended
People most at risk for flu-related complications fall into the following categories:
women who are pregnant or in the “postpartum” period at the beginning of the flu season;
people who suffer from illnesses that, in case of the flu, can develop serious complications;
family members and contacts (adults and children) of subjects at high risk of complications (regardless of whether the subject at risk has been vaccinated or not);
subjects older than 65 years;
people of any age admitted to long-term care facilities;
subjects employed in public services of primary collective interest (for example, doctors and health personnel, police forces …);
personnel who, for work reasons, are in contact with animals that may be a source of infection by non-human influenza viruses.
All these people are offered free vaccination and will be actively promoted.

The Lombardy region poster

The Lombardy region poster

In addition, this year, to ensure greater protection of the population, free vaccination will also be offered to children (up to 6 years) and people between 60 and 64 years.

In particular, this year a live attenuated quadrivalent aerosol vaccine will be used for children 2 to 6 years old who attend crowded places such as preschools and have a harder time maintaining distance between them – a safe and effective vaccine. and much easier to administer to children.

In addition, also for this year the active and free offer to subjects of 65 years (born in 1955) of the pneumococcal vaccine is confirmed, which in adults provides two doses: a first dose of conjugate vaccine and a second dose of polysaccharide vaccine after at least 2 months, being careful not to reverse the order of the two vaccines. It is also highly recommended and is always free for chronic patients of all ages who have not yet been vaccinated, particularly Community Guests (RSA).

«Human-to-human transmission of the influenza virus can occur by air, through droplets of saliva from those who cough or sneeze, but also by contact with hands contaminated by respiratory secretions. For this reason, good hand hygiene is very important to limit the spread ”, reiterates the Region.

For this reason, the ECDC (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control) recommends compliance with the following measures:

Wash your hands regularly and dry them properly. Hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and water, for at least 40-60 seconds each time, especially after coughing or sneezing, and finally drying. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers reduce the amount of influenza virus on contaminated hands and may represent a valid alternative in the absence of water;
Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, with tissues for proper disposal and hand washing;
Self-isolation at home in case of febrile respiratory diseases, especially in the initial phase;
Avoid close contact with sick people, for example. keep a distance of at least one meter from people with flu symptoms and avoid crowded places. When distance cannot be maintained, reduce close contact time with sick people.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Viruses can spread when a person touches any surface contaminated with viruses and then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth.
Surgical masks worn by people with flu symptoms can reduce infections between close contacts.


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