Still cuts in the supply of vaccines, commitments still unfulfilled by pharmaceutical companies that slow down even more the campaign that only in these days, with great delay in the times originally foreseen by the plan, begins with those over 80.
This time it was to administer fewer doses than expected Astrazeneca that yesterday it should have sent 560,000 doses to Italy and, instead, cut an 11 percent, delivering 60,000 less. Nine thousand fewer doses have reached the vaccination centers in Lazio, 5,000 fewer in Emilia Romagna and gradually in proportion in all the other regions that have already started vaccinating teachers, policemen and the military a few days ago. In some regions it has been announced that the cuts will be delivered scheduled for February 28.
“The sudden reduction in the delivery of vaccines against Astrazeneca is very serious. We are doing everything possible but with this uncertainty everything is more difficult. Italy protects the national interests and the programs of the Regions, in the meantime, let’s prepare for the production of vaccines validated by Ema and Aifa by our companies ”, says the president of the Lazio Region and secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti.
And the Lombard governor Attilio Fontana asks for the intervention of the prime minister. “President Draghi makes his authorized voice heard in Europe to protect national interests and the vaccination campaign of the Regions. We must guarantee the stability of supplies as soon as possible because our citizens have the right to know the vaccine administration schedule” .
This is being discussed during the Conference of Regions convened by the president Stefano bonaccini that the evaluations of the new measures that will be adopted on the eve of the expiration of the Dpcm scheduled for March 5 be delivered to the Government. There is no unity of points of view. Some governors press for a national orange zone for a few weeks in an attempt to contain the expansion of the variants also because the vaccination campaign, beyond the announced objectives, advances slowly.
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“We have been notified of a reduction of 9,000 doses of the Astrazeneca vaccine for the next deliveries and this is bad news. I wonder how the alleged offers of mediators proposed to some regions in parallel markets for the Astrazeneca vaccine can be reconciled with the approved reduction. “, says the health counselor of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato.
Sicily also received fewer doses, 40,000 out of 45,000 expected, and Friuli Venezia Giulia was warned of a cut in supplies for next week. “Next week our health system will actually receive 10,100 doses instead of the 11,300 planned – says the deputy governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia with responsibility for Health, Riccardo Riccardi – the reduction is contained, or 10 percent, will not significantly affect the vaccination campaign and in the agendas defined by the health authorities, however, we cannot register that instead of accelerating we run the risk of slowing down, so the appointments already scheduled for the next few days will be respected, at this time our Region it has a sufficient quantity of vaccines to continue the actions initiated as directed by the Ministry of Health ”.
Less dose also to Emilia Romagna. “AstraZeneca comes these days with an additional cut, several tens of thousands were supposed to come in, but there is a 4-5 thousand dose cut. Not like the other times but in any case there is no more signal, we hope that from next week the rhythm will change “, confirms the Regional Councilor for Health Policies of Emilia Romagna, Raffaele donini.
The confirmation of the cut also comes from the general director of the Ausl of Bologna, Paolo Bordon: “The vaccines arrive but with cuts, today we have 1,000 vaccines in delivery less than AstraZeneca, it had to be 8,400 and 7,400 will arrive”.
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In the evening, the company’s response: “Regarding the news that emerged today about the deliveries of the AZD1222 vaccine, AstraZeneca assures that it is working to fulfill the commitment to deliver 4.2 million doses to Italy in the first quarter , with the goal of exceeding 5 million – read a note – With the third delivery that was made yesterday, we are happy to have already delivered more than 1 million doses. Three more deliveries are planned for the next few weeks for 1 million additional doses and later other deliveries to arrive at the total forecast for the first quarter at the end of March. “
As for the reasons for the delay, they explain that the production processes of organic products such as this vaccine “are complex, and a multitude of production factors and quality tests that are carefully carried out on each batch can have an impact on the date,” frequency and number of doses of each delivery “. For this reason, “the delivery made yesterday was 7% lower than the forecasts, but in the same way – the company affirms – the deliveries of the previous week were slightly higher than expected.”
AstraZeneca concludes by underlining: “Unfortunately we work without reservations that can give us space to manage the normal variability of the production process, as each dose produced is made available immediately. We are in constant contact with Commissioner Arcuri to keep it updated on time.”