You don’t need the remember of the vaccine for those who have already received the coronavirus: green light comes from Ministry of Health in a circular signed by the Director of Prevention, Gianni rezza. “It is possible to consider the administration of a single dose of vaccine“Anti-Covid-19 in subjects with” previous SARS-CoV-2 infection (which occurred symptomatically or asymptomatically), reads the document ‘Vaccination of subjects who have had a SARS-CoV-2 infection’.
However, the circular specifies that the administration of a single dose is possible, “as long as the vaccination is carried out ad at least 3 months away of documented infection and preferably within 6 months of the same. “But the recommendations, he says,” could be subject to checking should emerge and spread variants connoted by a particular risk of reinfection“.
Furthermore, the possibility of a single dose “should not be understood as applicable to subjects with immunodeficiency conditions, primitive or secondary to pharmacological treatments. “On these issues, the document states,” since the immunological protection conferred by SARS-CoV-2 infection and its duration are not predictable, it is recommended to continue with the proposed vaccination scheme (double dose for the three vaccines available to date) “.
Monday March 1Italian drug agency (Aifa) had given the indication to administer a single dose, therefore without any booster, for the vaccination of subjects who had already contracted Covid-19. The injection, according to AIFA, must be performed within 6 months of the Covid-19 recovery.
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Covid, 14 years in intensive care at the Meyer in Florence. It is the tenth case of hospitalized minors in six months