Rome, March 26, 2021 – Vaccines for COVID-19, Where we are? According to national immunization plan, among the priority categories are ours Old people. But updated government data to date confirms the administration delays serum. In Italy, the more than 80 vaccinated are 983,320, or the 21.19% of the total (but 46.85% had at least one dose), while in the group aged 70 to 79 years the percentage dropped to 1.59% (5.81 at least one dose). The percentage of vaccinated among school personnel is increasing, which is 0.37% (but 58.58% still took the first dose). On the other hand, it is better for the other 2 priority categories, health personnel and guests of the RSA: 71.67% and 69.69% respectively were vaccinated with both doses.
To check the percentage of vaccines produced according to the batches received, it is advisable to consult the board in real time: in total, 90.4% of the doses were administered.
The government report updated to date
In particular, in Table 4 are the numbers, region by region, of vaccinati over 80, Table 5 contains the data of the vaccinated between 70 and 79 years, table 6 refers to RSA guests, table 7 to health personnel and finally table 8 to School staff.
More than 80, the most lagging regions
According to the weekly report published on the website Government.it in Italy 8 regions so far vaccinated (with two doses) less than 20% of those over 80:
Sardinia 6.32%
Tuscany 10.47%
Calabria 13.03%
Umbria 16.57%
Lombardy 17.28%
Apulia 17.28%
Sicily 17.86%
Abruzzo 18.49
The most virtuous regions
At the opposite end of the ranking are the autonomous regions and provinces that are further ahead in vaccinating older people:
Autonomous province of Trento 41.37%
Autonomous Province of Bolzano 35.73%
Basilicata 34.88%
Emilia Romagna 30.18%
Aosta Valley 29.71%
Friuli Venezia Giulia 28.07%
Campania 27.87%
Walking 27.60%
Lazio 27.56%
Molise 27.53%
Liguria 23.18
Veneto 21.03%
Piedmont 21.97%.
Data in the world: US records
Internationally, they are beyond 518 million the vaccines administered so far in the world, are approximately equivalent to 3.4% of the world population: the data is from Bloomberg, which it takes into account using the data provided by the 140 countries that have launched a campaign. The USA, where inoculated doses exceed 137 million, records are still being broken. The figures are impressive: today compared to the day before 3.38 million people vaccinated plus. This is the fourth day in a row that the number of doses administered has exceeded three million.
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